Event Details
On Wednesday, July 21 (4:00pm-5:00pm EDT), join the National Park Service’s Youth & Young Adult Programs Division and The Corps Network for an intergenerational conversation around career opportunities in historic preservation. Charlie Pepper is the former Deputy Director at the Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation and a current NPS mentor for youth and young adults. He will share his vision for the future of historic preservation and current opportunities through the Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program (TTAP) and the Experienced Services Program (ESP). The two National Park Service ESP partners are the Center for Workforce Inclusion and the National Older Worker Career Center (NOWCC). Current and former members of the TTAP program will share their experiences and insights in this field. There will be a panel discussion and audience Q&A, which will focus on topics, including the impacts of climate change; preservation of historic structures; future of skill trades like carpentry, brick and stone masonry; and career opportunities in both the public and private sectors.
Follow the NPS Youth Programs Facebook page to watch the video recording. Scroll down to watch the video recording on the NPS YouTube channel.
Moss Rudley, Superintendent, Historic Preservation Training Center, National Park Service
- Moss Rudley, Superintendent, Historic Preservation Training Center, National Park Service
- Mary Ellen Sprenkel, President and CEO, The Corps Network
Speaker Remarks
- Charlie Pepper, Founding Member/Former Program Manager, Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation, National Park Service; Current Training Specialist, National Park Service/Experienced Services Program
- Nitzka León Maldonado, Historic Preservation Masonry Apprentice, American Conservation Experience
- Uriah Williams, Former Intern and Program Lead, Branching Out: Youth Exploring Resource Stewardship, National Park Service; Currently Teacher, Stephen T. Mather Building Arts and Craftsmanship High School
- Hannah McLaren, Preservationist Intern of the Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program, National Park Service
- Curt Collier, National Youth Programs Director, Groundwork USA
Panel Discussion
Q&A Session (all panelists + below speakers)
- George McDonald, Chief of Youth Programs and Experienced Services Program Division, National Park Service
- Matthew Jacobs, Education Program Manager, National Parks of New York Harbor, National Park Service
Closing Remarks
Watch the Event Recording

NPS Photo
Have any questions? Please email us!
Additional Resources
1-minute promo video of the Traditional Trades Apprenceship Program (TTAP): Learn About TTAP
Department of Defense (DoD) Skillbridge Program: dodskillbridge.usalearning.gov/
Branching Out Program at the Stephen T. Mather Building Arts & Craftmanship School: matherhsnyc.org/clubs
Learn More About Our Participating Partners
National Park Service Youth Programs: nps.gov/subjects/youthprograms
The Corps Network: corpsnetwork.org
Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program: nps.gov/orgs/1098/traditional-trades-apprenticeship-program.htm
Historic Preservation Training Center: nps.gov/orgs/1098/index.htm
Olmsted Center for Lanscape Preservation: nps.gov/orgs/1594/index.htm
Stephen T. Mather Building Arts & Craftmanship High School: matherhsnyc.org/
Groundwork USA: groundworkusa.org/
American Conservation Experience: usaconservation.org/
Greening Youth Foundation: gyfoundation.org/
Experienced Services Program: nps.gov/aboutus/experienced-services-program.htm
Center for Workforce Inclusion: centerforworkforceinclusion.org/
National Older Worker Career Center (NOWCC): nowcc.org/
Participant Bios

Photo Courtesy of Moss Rudley
Moss teaches valuable trade skills in carpentry and masonry, but he also exposes young people to the importance of historic preservation on public lands. Since 2015, Moss has facilitated 76 Historic Training and Preservation Internships through Stewards at HPTC. Seven Stewards Alumni were hired as NPS employees at HPTC. In 2017, Moss created the Traditional Trades Youth Initiative (now called the Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program - TTAP). This project engaged nine members for 20 weeks. The initiative exposed youth to preservation trades through trainings conducted by master craftsmen and women. In addition to craft-related training, the members were also taught important life skills, such as employee responsibilities, workplace ethics, and personal financial planning.

Photo Courtesy of Charlie Pepper
His work has included: designing a framework for cultural landscape preservation maintenance; developing resource sensitive techniques for historic property care; creating curricula in historic preservation fundamentals for high school students and interns; and establishing programs for historic preservation career discovery, pathways to employment, and professional advancement. He has dedicated his career to facilitating education and training programs that recognize and strengthen the importance of engaging people with a diversity of backgrounds, experiences, knowledge and skills in the stewardship of historic properties

Photo Courtesy of Uriah Williams
Uriah spent eight years working with the Olmsted Center in various positions (Student Conservation Association (SCA), GroundworkUSA and Citizen Conservations Corps (CCC) engaging youth in resource stewardship where she fostered a love for the National Park Service, historic preservation and landscape management. From there she moved on to spearhead the expansion of the Branching Out Program in the New York City area in partnership with National Parks of New York Harbor and Stephen T. Mather High School.

Photo Courtesy of Nitzka Leon Maldonado
Later, she traveled to Europe where she worked as a volunteer with Workaway as a farm hand around the continent. She was exposed to hands on work, antique structures and general maintenance of historical objects. This ignited her passion for a more hands-on approach to historical conservation and once back in the US made her search for opportunities that allowed her just that. After months of searching and a bit dishearten she stumbled upon a Masonry Crew Apprentice position in no other than San Juan, PR with the American Conservation Experience. Life brought her back to her starting place where she’s been exposed to the art of historic preservation and maintenance. Opening up a world of opportunity and growth with a window to the world of conservation work via the National Park Service.

Photo Courtesy of Hannah McLaren
Hannah has gone on to work in several State and National Parks over the course of four seasons with SECC. One of her most cherished seasons was leading a youth crew at the Chickamauga Battlefield and passing along her respect and passion for parks to young people. Hannah is now a historic preservation intern at the Chickamauga Chattanooga National Military Park and is constantly learning from the park, its staff, and the Conservation Legacy support network what it means to be a steward of the land.

Photo Courtesy of Curt Collier
Curt helps to boost the corps competency and youth development capacity of the Groundwork USA network, creates ongoing training opportunity for Youth Leaders, and engages in outreach to funders and supporters to further these efforts. He helps to design programs and workshops at the network level to address emerging issues in youth educational preparedness and career development, and oversees the annual National Youth Summit, gathering together 60+ youth and youth leaders with professionals in the NPS, USFWS, NFS, DOI, and BLM.

Photo Courtesy of George McDonald
McDonald has partnered with numerous 21CSC organizations, helping develop such programs as Historically Black Colleges and Universities Internship in collaboration with the Greening Youth Foundation, the Latino Heritage Internship Program, and the Mosaics in Science Intern Program with Environment for the Americas. McDonald has not only championed the 21CSC within NPS, but has taken time to write congressional responses and inform leaders across the Department of the Interior about the value of this initiative.

Photo Courtesy of Mary Ellen Sprenkel
Prior to her time at The Corps Network, Mary Ellen spent 10 years on Capitol Hill, including two years on the House Committee on Education and Labor, handling postsecondary education, training, and life-long learning programs. She also worked for Representatives Matthew G. Martinez (D-CA) and Nydia Velazquez (D-NY). Mary Ellen also previously served as Vice President of Government Relations at the Education Finance Council, and spent two years as the Assistant to the President of the University of Montana.

Photo Courtesy of Matthew Jacobs
Prior to his position at NPNH, Matt worked as a preservation specialist for the NER’s Historic Architecture Conservation and Engineering Center (HACE) in Lowell, MA, leading and supporting cultural resource stewardship projects at parks across the NER. He got his start with the NPS while in architecture school, through a summer position with the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), part of the Heritage Documentation Program.
Last updated: April 23, 2022