Early Travel
Native American Travel
Shaft Fragments
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 210552
Shaft straightener
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 8699
Map of the Bannock Trail
Yellowstone National Park
Obsidian Cliff
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 38408
Cody Knife
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 66605
Flaked Stone Tool (Biface)
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 63126
Bannock Indians, Fort Hall Reservation
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 475
Map of the 1877 Flight of the Nez Perce
Yellowstone Spatial Analysis Center
Associated Tribes Map
Yellowstone Spatial Analysis Center
Nez Perce Appaloosa Horse Club Ride
National Park Service photograph
Park Beginnings
Harry Yount
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 7150
1884 Springfield Repeater Rifle
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 7282
U.S. Army Officer Dress Cap
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 23096
U.S. Cavalry Uniform Jacket
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 21966
Riding Breeches
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 21963
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 89434
Cavalry Drilling, Mammoth Parade Ground
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 9739
Sgt McCartney jumping fence on horseback
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 9743
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Stables
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 22708
Early Tourism
"Tally-Ho" Stagecoach
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 106389
"Yellowstone - Park" Poster
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 8238
Duster (Coat)
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 126917
Identification Tag
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 118974
Tally Ho Coach in Gardner River Canyon
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 20172
Stage coach going through Lamar River
Yellowstone Photo Collection
Old stagecoach, Yellowstone NP
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-105569
Ed Trafton Old Faithful Road Holdup
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 36708
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 7667
Shaw and Powell Mountain Wagon
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 90058
Theodore Roosevelt, Mammoth Hot Springs
Yellowstone Photo Collection
Wylie Permanent Camping Company Pamphlet
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 26787
Recreation Pavilion and Nightly Campfire
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 31941
Men and women seated near geysers
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 133079
Eva K. Moger Diary Exerpt
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 89928
Steamer "Zillah" at Yellowstone Lake
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 8608
Wreck of the "SS E. C. Waters"
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 36370
Paving the Way
Beaver Trap
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 14706
Map of Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 18850
Nathaniel P. Langford
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 8179
Stock Saddle
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 7073
Hayden Expedition Party of 1870
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 7542
"Annie," First Boat on Yellowstone Lake
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 50375
Early Roads
Map of Yellowstone
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 23004
Philetus W. Norris
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 6338
Hiram M Chittenden
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 601
Forms for Concrete Bridge
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 22521
Mining Tripod
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 23027
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 106513
Maintenance of Golden Gate Road
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 35895
Leaving Camp for Projects
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 32246
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 85004
License Plate
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 681
Modern Roads
Rockslide cleanup, Mammoth-Gardiner road
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 33132
Gibbon River Bridge construction
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 121038
Yellowstone National Park Brochure
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 127179
Thermal images, Firehole Lake Drive
United States Geological Survey (USGS) images
Beryl Spring Road
National Park Service photograph
Old Faithful Traffic
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 115023
Norris Traffic Junction
National Park Service photograph
Yellowstone River Gorge
Library of Congress, LC-DIG-highsm-35514
Historic and Contemporary Buses
National Park Service photograph
Park on Patrol
National Park Service Vehicles
National Park Service Ranger Badge
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 11074
First Chief Ranger James McBride
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 36861
Vespa Model 125 Primavera Scooter
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 106381
A pack string follows a trail
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 29093
Ranger Nat Lacy in patrol boat
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 29093
Winter Operations
Canyon Ski Patrol
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 9737
Rangers on skis in Virginia Meadows
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 42921
Hotel at the Grand Canyon
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 951
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 60992
Bechler River Ranger Station in Winter
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 15903
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 1956 & 1957
Backcountry Cabin Ranger Breakfast
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 31579
Backcountry Cabin Instructional Sign
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 133869
NPS Staff Snowsuit
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 133931
Facilities, Operations, and Recovery
Earthquake Damage to Road
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 20899
Recovering car from site of accident
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 27053
Assistant Chief Ranger with bear cage
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 42906
Hard Hat and Goggles
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 14954
Helicopter firefighting operations
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 123811
Rescue Sled (Ahkio)
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 126429
Stokes Litter Rescue Training
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 33896
Pumper Truck, aka "Honeywagon"
National Park Service photograph
North Entrance Road Washout
National Park Service photograph
North Entrance Road Washout
National Park Service photograph
Modern Travel
"Old #1" Bus
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 90070
Touring Car
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 90073
Yellowstone Park Company Gearjammers
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 148412
Gearjammer Hat
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 127082
Yellowstone Park Co. Bus Driver Uniform
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 127083
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 51363
Yellowstone Park Company Uniform Patch
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 123819
1925 Bus Tour Ticket
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 124877
Model 614 Tour Bus
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 90072
14-Passenger Bus
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 90069
Fleet of Buses in Mammoth
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 33935
Visitors in Yellowstone White Bus
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 114499
Yellowstone Park Transportation Company
Yellowstone Photo Collection
Yellow Bus
National Park Service photograph
Historic White buses
National Park Service photograph
Private Automobiles
First automobile to enter Yellowstone
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 41272
Stagecoach and Tour Bus Traffic Jam
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 40337
Modern Dog Comfort in Yellowstone NP
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 127495
Marion Dyer Travel Diary Excerpt
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 134154
National Parks Highway Pamphlet
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 16677
Women near Sheepeater Cliffs
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 129338
License to Operate Motor Vehicle
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 68354
Your Pleasure Map of Yellowstone NP
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 18670
Snow Coach passing bison on south rim
National Park Service photograph
Mother bear & her cubs hold up traffic
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 199328
Hold-Up Bear at Yellowstone NP Postcard
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 142438
Yellowstone Canyon and Great Fall, WY
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-126295
Boats and Blizzards
Steamer at Thumb of Yellowstone Lake
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 127728
"Adelaide" on Yellowstone Lake
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 124208
Car in Snowy Road, Opening Day
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 20849
Scene of Snow Vehicle
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 124223-1
Scene of Snow Vehicle
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 124223-2
Scene of Snow Vehicle
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 124223-3
Scene of Snow Vehicle
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 124223-4
Scene of Snow Vehicles
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 124223-5
Scene of Snow Vehicle
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 124223-6
Winter road with station wagon
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 181649
Watching Old Faithful eruption in winter
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 124202
Lemuel Garrison with Snowplane
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 19968
"Yellowstone NP in Winter" Pamphlet
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 60505
Snowplow clearing roads in park
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 40519
Oversnow vehicle permit
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 14604
Skiing Party near Golden Gate
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 19344
Last trip for Bombardier snowcoaches
National Park Service photograph
Bicycling past Castle Geyser
National Park Service photograph
Haynes Postcards
Old Faithful Inn, Yellowstone NP
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 205845
Lobby, Old Faithful Inn, Yellowstone NP
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 192911-3
Old Faithful Dining Room from Office
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 192938
Old Faithful Inn Bed Room, Yellowstone
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 199834
Lake Hotel - Yellowstone Park
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 11475
Grand Canyon Hotel, Lounge Toward Office
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 199381-1
Wylie Single Tent - Yellowstone Park
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 92817
Wylie Two-Room Tent Interior
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 199402
Wylie Dining Tent Interior
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 192707-1
A Wylie Two-Compartment Tent Interior
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 129773
Geothermal Features
Fountain Geyser - Yellowstone Park
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 192726-3
Castle Well & Castle Cone Yellowstone
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 66707-120
Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone Park
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 200323-1
Giant Geyser - 150 FT., Yellowstone Park
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 66707-45
Oblong Geyser Crater, Yellowstone Park
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 66707-125
Mammoth Hot Springs - Yellowstone Park
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 192713-1
Excelsior Geyser Overflow - Yellowstone
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 192897
Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone NP
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 114807
Four Horse Coaching Party / Yellowstone
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 89967
Northern Pacific Depot - Gardiner, MT
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 192797-1
Arch, Northern Entrance, Yellowstone
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 43812
Chittenden Bridge and Auto Stages
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 66707-10
Automobile Stages at Sylvan Lake
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 66707-116
Canyon Bridge - Yellowstone Park
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 192750-3
The Lookout, Summit of Mt. Washburn
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 66707-81
A Park Bear - Yellowstone Park
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 192727-1
Boat Landing Near Lake Hotel Yellowstone
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 192780-3
Fishing Bridge, Yellowstone Lake Outlet
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 194665
Frances Benjamin Johnston
Frances Benjamin Johnston, Yellowstone
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-120449
Fording the Firehole River
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-40305
U.S. soldier-guide holding woman's horse
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-38275
Joe Knowles, our driver
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-40304
Accommodations, upper Geyser Basin
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-100865
Two stagecoaches passing on mt. road
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-47084
Tourists in Yellowstone viewing geysers
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-41334
Tourists and guides picnicking
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-100864
Frances Benjamin Johnston at picnic
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-41331
Last updated: November 4, 2024