This Discover our Shared Heritage Massachusetts Conservation website is produced by the National Park Service’s Cultural Resources Office of Interpretation and Education.
The website was designed in 2020 by Katherine Crawford-Lackey. Descriptions of historic places featured in this website are based on information in the files of the National Register of Historic Places and the National Historic Landmarks Program. When necessary, image permissions are noted in the captions.
Banner credits: Painting by Thomas Cole, Public Domain.
This site replaces the 2013 version of the travel itinerary. The original credits are as follows:
The Massachusetts Conservation Discover Our Shared Heritage travel itinerary is based on Ann E. Chapman's Master Project and was produced by the National Park Service's Heritage Education Services in partnership with the Massachusetts Historical Commission and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers. The itinerary was conceptualized and most of the content has been distilled from Ann E. Chapman's Master Project entitled Proposal for a Conservation and Landscape Planning Heritage Trail submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Regional Planning. Ms. Chapman received "The American Planning Association's 2005 American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Student Project Award" for best example of Applied Research for her Master Project. Ms. Chapman also provided most of the photographs used in the itinerary. Ms. Chapman's Master Project committee was very helpful in shaping the project. The committee included Professors Robert Ryan and Ethan Carr from the Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and Professor David Gottlieb, Professor of History, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Jessica Rowcroft, on staff at the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) worked closely with Ann Chapman in developing the project. The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) (State historic preservation office) assisted in the database searches to identify the historic places to be featured in the itinerary and has nominated to the National Register of Historic Places most of what is included in the itinerary.
The Massachusetts Conservation itinerary uses registration information on historic places in the National Park Service National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmarks collections. Some of the collection is online. The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC), the Massachusetts Department of Conservation (DCR), and The Trustees of Reservations reviewed the contents and provided input that has been valuable in finalizing the itinerary. Betsy Friedberg of the Massachusetts Historical Commission coordinated their input.
Carol Shull, Chief, Heritage Education Services, National Park Service, edited and managed production of the itinerary. The following student interns with Heritage Education Services contributed to its preparation: Nancy Bazar, Rachel Firgens, Thomas Hardej, Jen Jablonsky, James Nelson, Katherine Orr, Kristin Roberts, Adam Rubin, and Tina Aburish. Cassie Ward programmed the itinerary into the template and provided editorial and other assistance. Jeff Joeckel of the National Register of Historic Places staff assisted in launching the itinerary. Christopher M. Beagan, Historical Landscape Architect, National Park Service Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation, composed some helpful additions to essays and the bibliography in the itinerary.
The itinerary was produced with the support of the National Park Service's Stephanie Toothman, Associate Director for Cultural Resources, Partnerships and Science; Jon Smith, Deputy Associate Director Preservation Assistance Programs; and Paul Loether, Chief, National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmarks.
Last updated: July 10, 2020