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Templates and Instructions for the Transfer of Collections DataTemplates for transfer of collections data to the park museum curator will assist researchers to collect specimen data and export it to the Interior Collections Management System, which NPS uses to catalog specimens that are permanently retained in the park museum collection. These templates will assist the researcher in meeting the permit requirement to complete catalog records for the specimens. To transfer specimen data to the NPS catalog (Interior Collections Management System), use the Biological Template (12 KB XLS), Geological Template (12 KB XLS), or Paleontological Template (12 KB XLS), as appropriate. Follow the Instructions on Preparing and Submitting Natural History Specimen Data (231 KB PDF). Researchers should coordinate with the park curator before using the templates as the park may modify them to meet park-specific needs. Repository AgreementsGeneral Agreement between the National Park Service and the American Museum of Natural History on Management of NPS Animal Tissue CollectionsAMNH-NPS Agreement – Procedures to implement the Agreement are addressed in the Guide to Collect and Deposit below. First Amendment, Second Amendment, Third Amendment.Procedures and Requirements for Animal Tissue Samples to be Collected in Parks and Deposited at AMNH-AMCCIf you propose or are permitted to collect animal tissue samples in parks and deposit them at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)-Ambrose Monell Cryo Collection (AMCC), the following links provide special guidance that you will need.
General Agreement between National Park Service and Smithsonian Institution for Custodianship of National Park Service Natural History CollectionsNPS-SI Agreement - Parks may offer selected specimens to the Smithsonian Institution. If the Smithsonian accepts the offer, the Smithsonian will gain permanent custodial responsibility for the specimens, while NPS retains ownership responsibility.Agreement between National Park Service and Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona, On Behalf of its Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research on Management of NPS Specimens Collected for Tree-Ring AnalysisNPS-Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research - This agreement covers natural history and cultural collections made on national park system lands for the purposes of tree-ring analysis and loaned to and stored and managed by the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona. It also covers associated records. All past collections and future collections that NPS offers and LTRR accepts will be covered. First Amendment.Agreement between the National Park Service and the American Type Culture CollectionNPS-ATCC Agreement - This agreement covers living NPS biological collections (such as microorganisms) from parks that ATCC maintains as cultures in its "National Park Service Special Collection" and distributes upon request to the scientific community. Procedures for deposit and distribution to third parties are on the ATCC website. First Amendment , Second Amendment, Third Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Sixth Amendment.General Agreement between National Park Service and the Culture Collection of SwitzerlandCCOS-NPS Agreement - This agreement covers microogranisms collected in NPS units pursuant to permits and material derived from such collected specimens that NPS deposits in the U.S. National Park Service Special Collection at CCOS and that CCOS distributes upon request to the scientific community. Procedures for deposit and distribution to third parties are on the CCOS website and available by contacting CCOS directly.Repository Agreement between the National Park Service and the University of Texas Medical Branch, World Reference Center for Emerging Viruses and ArbovirusesNPS-UTMB/WRCEVA Agreement - This agreement covers specimens collected in NPS units pursuant to NPS permits and material derived from such collected specimens that NPS deposits in the NPS Special Collection at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), World Reference Center for Emerging Viruses and Arboviruses (WRCEVA) and that WRCEVA distributes upon request to the scientific community. Procedures for deposit and distribution to third parties are on the UTMB/WRCEVA website and available by contacting WRCEVA directly. |
Last updated: May 20, 2024