Appendix A: Laws Cited in Text

Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987
43 USC1 2101—2106; PL2 100-298

(popularly known as) Acquired Lands Mineral Leasing Act
30 USC 301—306; May 21, 1930, ch. 307, 46 Stat. 373

Administrative Procedure Act (APA)
5 USC 551 et seq.3, June 11, 1946, ch. 324, 60 Stat. 237

Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA)
16 USC 3101—3233; PL 96-487

American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA)
42 USC 1996—1996a; PL 95-341, 103-344

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
42 USC 12101—12213; PL 101-336

Animal Welfare Act
7 USC 2131—2159; PL 89-544; 94-279

Anti-Deficiency Act
31 USC 1341; July 12, 1870, ch. 251, 16 Stat. 251, PL 97-258

Antiquities Act of 1906
16 USC 431—433; June 8, 1906, ch. 3060, 34 Stat. 225

Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (ARPA)
16 USC 470aa—470mm; PL 96-95

Architectural Barriers Act of 1968
42 USC 4151—4157; PL 90-480

Clean Air Act (CAA)
42 USC 7401—7671q; PL 88-206

Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (CZMA)
16 USC 1451—1465; PL 89-454, 92-583

Commemorative Works Act
40 USC 8901—8909; PL 99-652, 107-217

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)
42 USC 9601—9675; PL 96-510

Endangered Species Act of 1973
16 USC 1531—1544; PL 93-205

Energy Policy Act of 1992
42 USC 13201—13556; PL 102-486

Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972
42 USC 2000e-16(a)4; PL 92-261

Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)
5 USC App. 1—16; PL 92-463

Federal Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988 (FCRPA)
16 USC 4301—4310; PL 100-691

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act
7 USC 136—136y; PL 92-516

Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA)
16 USC 6801—6814; PL 108-4475

Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act of 1982
31 USC 3512(d); PL 97-255, 97-4526

Federal Water Pollution Control Act (commonly known as the Clean Water Act)
33 USC 1251—1387; PL 92-500, 95-217

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
5 USC 552; PL 89-554, 90-23

General Mining Act of 1872
30 USC 22 et seq.7; May 10, 1872, ch. 152, 17 Stat. 91

Geothermal Steam Act of 1970
30 USC 1001—1028; PL 91-581, 100-443

Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA)
31 USC 11158 et seq. ; PL 103-62

Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
49 USC 5101—5127; PL 93-633, 101-615, 103-311

(popularly known as) Historic Sites, and Buildings and Antiquities Act
16 USC 461—467; Aug. 21, 1935, ch. 593, 49 Stat. 666

Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965
16 USC 460l-4—460l-11; PL 88-578

Mineral Leasing Act
30 USC 181—287; Feb. 25, 1920, ch. 85, 41 Stat. 437

Mining in the Parks Act
16 USC 1901—1912; PL 94-429

(popularly known as) Museum Act
16 USC 18f—18f-3; July 1, 1955, ch. 259, 69 Stat. 242, PL 104-3339

National Cemeteries Act of 1973
38 USC 2400—2410; PL 93-43

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA)
42 USC 4321—4370d; PL 91-190

National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
16 USC 470—470x-6; PL 89-665, 96-515

National Parks Air Tour Management Act of 2000
114 Stat. 61; PL 106-181 (title VIII)

National Parks Omnibus Management Act of 1998
16 USC 5901—601110 ; PL 105-391

National Park Service Concessions Management Improvement Act of 1998
16 USC 5951—5966; PL 105-391 (title IV)

National Park Service Organic Act
16 USC 1—4; Aug. 25, 1916, ch. 408, 39 Stat. 53511

National Park System General Authorities Act
16 USC 1a-1 et seq.12; PL 91-383, 94-458, 95-25013

(popularly known as) National Park System Resource Protection Act
16 USC 19jj—19jj-4; PL 101-337, 104-333

National Trails System Act
16 USC 1241—1251; PL 90-543, 98-11

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
25 USC 3001—3013; PL 101-601

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
29 USC 651—678; PL 91-59614

Oil Pollution Act of 1990
33 USC 2701—2761; PL 101-380

(popularly known as) Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, 1997
16 USC 1g et seq.15; PL 104-208

Privacy Act of 1974
5 USC 552a; PL 93-579

Rehabilitation Act of 1973
29 USC 701—797b; PL 93-112, 105-220

Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899
33 USC 401 et seq.16; Mar. 3, 1899, ch. 425, 30 Stat. 1121

Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Emergency Assistance Act
42 USC 5121—5204c17; PL 93-288, 100-707, 103-337

Solid Waste Disposal Act
42 USC 6901—6992k; PL 89-272, 94-58018, 98-61619

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
30 USC 1201—1328; PL 95-87

Telecommunications Act of 1996
47 USC 332 note; PL 104-10420

Toxic Substances Control Act
15 USC 2601—2692; PL 94-469

Volunteers in the Parks Act of 1969
16 USC 18g—18j; PL 91-357

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
16 USC 1271—1287; PL 90-542

Wilderness Act
16 USC 1131—1136; PL 88-577


1 The United States Code (USC) can be accessed on the Internet, e.g., at , or .

2 The text of any Public Law (PL) enacted by the 101st or a later Congress (1989 onward) can be accessed at the Library of Congress’s THOMAS website, .

3. Act of June 11, 1946, ch. 324, has been codified to 5 USC §§551—559, 701—706, 1305, 3105, 3344, 4301, 5335, 5372, and 7521.

4 PL 92-261 was codified to 42 USC §§2000e—2000e-6, 2000e-8, 2000e-9, 2000e-13, 2000e-14, 2000e-16 and 2000e-17, and 5 USC §§5108 and 5314—5316.

5 The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act is division J, title VIII of PL 108-447, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005.6PL 97-452, the Jan. 12, 1983 revision of title 31, in particular section 1(12), redesignated 16 USC 3512(b) as 16 USC 3512(d).

7 The General Mining Act of 1872 was the basis of 30 USC §§22-24, 26-30, 33-35, 37, 39-43, and 47.

8 PL 103-62 was codified to: 5USC 306; 31 USC 1105(a)(29); 1115—1119, 9703, 9704; and 39 USC 2801—2805.

9 Section 804 of division 1, title VIII of PL 104-333, the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996, amended 16 USC 18f, and enacted §§18f-2 and 18f-3

10 In addition to enacting §§19o and 5901—6011 of title 16, PL 105-391 amended 16 USC 1a-2, 1a-5, 1a-7, and 3, and repealed 16 USC 17b-1, 20, 20a—20g.

11 See also §10(a) of PL 108-352.

12. PL 91-383, as originally enacted, added §§1a-1 and 1a-2, and amended §§1b and 1c, of title 16.13 PL 95-250, an act expanding Redwood National Park, also amended the National Park System General Authorities Act by adding the second and third sentences to 16 USC 1a-1. See also, §10(b) of PL 108-352.

14 PL 91-596 enacted 29 USC 651—678 and 42 USC 3142-1, and amended 29 USC 553, 5 USC 5108, 5314, 5315, and 7902, 15 USC 633 and 636, 18 USC 1114, and §1421 of former title 49.

15 The Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, 1997 enacted §§1g and (and provisions set out as notes to §§6905, 1011 of title 16, and amended §§773 ,773c, 917, 917a, 971, 971b, 971d, 971e, 972c, 973a, 1362, 1371, 1383a, 1387, 1417, 1432, 1445a, 1827, 2803, 2804, 3125, 3343, 3373, 3377, 3631, 4120, 5102, 5103, 5106, 5107a, 5107b, 5503, 5504 and 5609 of the same title.

16 The Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899 was codified to 33 USC §§401, 403, 404, 406—409, 411—416, 418, 502, 549 note, 686, and 687.

17 The Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, 50 USC App. 2251—2303, was repealed, and restated in title VI (42 USC 5195—5197g) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, by PL 103-337.

18 The Solid Waste Disposal Act was amended and essentially re-written by PL 94-580, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976.

19 PL 98-616, the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, enacted §§6917, 6936 to 6939a, 6949a, 6979a, 6979b, and 6991 to 6991i of title 42 of the US Code (and provisions set out as notes to §§ 6905, 6921 and 6926), and amended §§6901, 6902, 6905, 6912, 6915, 6916, 6921 to 6933, 6935, 6941 to 6945, 6948, 6956, 6962, 6972, 6973, 6976, 6982 and 6984 of the same title.

20 The provision of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 dealing with the granting of rights-of-way, etc., by federal departments and agencies to wireless telecommunications providers is §704(c), title VII, of PL 104-104.

Last updated: July 6, 2023