To succeed for the next 100 years and beyond, the National Park Service (NPS) planning is committed to helping parks make sustainable and inclusive investment decisions that ensure parks are able to provide for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.
Fiscal and staffing realities mean that trade-offs are necessary for a sustainable future. The agency works to identify solutions that:
- Meet the need and are affordable to construct and implement
- Are sustainable to operate and maintain
- Reduce resource vulnerability to climate change and natural hazards
Strategic Facility Investment Planning (SFIP)
The National Park Service framework for addressing sustainable investment goals in planning is collectively referred to as Strategic Facility Investment Planning (SFIP). SFIP provides a common set of definitions, methods, tools, and resources parks and regions can use to help interdisciplinary teams identify and prioritize park facility investments. It was developed based on best practices from across the service to encourage teams to embrace financial and operational realities and identify and prioritize actions to meet their needs in a way the park can afford to operate and maintain.
Within the SFIP framework, Investment Concept Planning and Program of Project Planning are two primary tools used:
Investment Concept Planning helps teams identify large dollar investments and secure Regional and Bureau Investment Review Board approval before significant planning, design, or stakeholder engagement occurs. Approved investment concepts become the foundation for project development.
Program of Projects Planning helps teams identify the lifecycle maintenance work necessary to keep park assets in good condition. Through the process, teams prioritize the work and develop a Facility Investment Strategy to manage the gap between the funds and staff required to maintain assets in good condition and a park's financial and operational realities.
Last updated: June 17, 2024