National Park Service 1.0.0
[ Base URL: ]/subjects/developer/customcf/swagger.json?03142019
This API is designed to provide authoritative National Park Service (NPS) data and content about parks and their facilities, events, news, alerts, and more. Explore the NPS API below and even try to make API calls. In order to try an API call, you'll need to click on the "Authorize" button below and add your API key. If you don't have an API key yet, visit our Get Started page.
activitiesRetrieve categories of activities (astronomy, hiking, wildlife watching, etc.) possible in national parks.
activities/parksRetrieve national parks that are related to particular categories of activity (astronomy, hiking, wildlife watching, etc.).
amenitiesRetrieve the amenity types (accessible restrooms, fire pit, picnic area, etc.) available in national parks.
amenities/parksplacesRetrieve "places" within national parks that have different amenities. (For more about "place" assets, see below.)
amenities/parksvisitorcentersRetrieve visitor centers within national parks that have different amenities.
articlesRetrieve articles created by national parks and other NPS entities. (See "people" and "places" below for other specific article types.)
campgroundsRetrieve data about National Park Service campgrounds including addresses, contacts, description, hours of operation, etc.
feespassesRetrieve fees and passes information created by national parks and other NPS entities.
lessonplansRetrieve lesson plans created by national parks and other NPS entities.
mapdata/parkboundariesRetrieve geometry boundaries for park specified by a site code. (e.g. abli)
multimedia/audioRetrieve metadata relating to audio files created by national parks.
multimedia/galleriesRetrieve galleries created by national parks and other NPS entities.
multimedia/galleries/assetsRetrieve gallery assets by unique asset id, or gallery id, etc.
multimedia/videosRetrieve metadata relating to videos created by national parks.
newsreleasesRetrieve news releases created by national parks and other NPS entities.
parkinglotsRetrieve information related to parking lots created by national parks and other NPS entities.
parksRetrieve data about national parks (addresses, contacts, description, hours of operation, etc.).
passportstamplocationsRetrieve locations (see "campgrounds", "places", and "visitorcenters") that have national park passport stamps.
peopleRetrieve articles providing a synopsis of specific people related to national parks.
placesRetrieve articles providing a synopsis of specific places related to national parks.
roadeventsRetrieve information relating to road events by park and/or type of event (incident or workzone)
thingstodoRetrieve suggested things to do recommended by and for specific national parks.
topicsRetrieve categories of topics (American revolution, music, women's history, etc.) relating to national parks.
topics/parksRetrieve national parks that are related to particular categories of topics (American revolution, music, women's history, etc.).
toursRetrieve tours with stops at the special places, campgrounds, and visitor centers found within national parks.
visitorcentersRetrieve data about National Park Service visitor centers including addresses, contacts, description, hours of operation, etc.
Last updated: August 15, 2017