The roads are closed to vehicle traffic for the winter season, but will remain open to winter recreation such as hiking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. Roads will reopen in spring when the snow melts.
Highway 180 Access To Cedar Grove Area of Kings Canyon National Park Closed For the Season
Highway 180 is closed east of Hume Lake Road for the winter season. Cedar Grove is not accessible. This section of road typically reopens in late April.
The portion of Mineral King Road inside Sequoia National Park is closed for the winter season to the general public. The road typically reopens in May on the Wednesday before Memorial Day, but could be later depending on conditions.
Several Small Roads Closed Due to Roadway Damage Or Snow Accumulation
These roads are closed due to roadway damage during past storm events or due to snow accumulation: Crystal Cave Rd, Middle Fork Rd, Redwood Canyon Rd, South Fork Rd, Panoramic Point Rd, Main Sherman Tree Parking, lower parking lot at Giant Forest Museum More
Stock Use: Traveling, camping, and grazing with stock (horses, mules, burros, or llamas).
Closed to Grazing: Open to travel and camping with stock provided that animals are confined on a hardened surface and given substitute feed. Day use only: Open to stock travel, but animals may not graze or stay overnight.
Closed to Stock: Closed to all stock access.
NPS / Hayley Renee Cornell Morton
General Restrictions
Traveling With Stock
Except in designated off-trail areas, stock travel is restricted to within ½ mile of maintained trails in areas open to camping with stock, and within 100 yards of trails in areas open to day use only.
All wheeled vehicles, and all motorized equipment are prohibited in wilderness per the Wilderness Act of 1964.
Party Size
Maximum overnight party size is 15 people, 20 head of stock, with no more than 28 combined unless otherwise stated. Maximum party size for day use is 20 people, 20 stock, with a combined maximum of 40 unless otherwise stated.
Grazing subject to opening dates and mid-season closures. Confine and feed animals properly if not grazing. Keep animals out of wet areas. Minimize gear and number of stock to minimize impacts to the wilderness.
Stock Camping
Keep your camp compact and unobtrusive. Do not build or improve fire rings or campsite “furniture”.
No camping within 25 ft. of water. From 25 to 100 ft. from water, camping is only allowed in previously well-established campsites. Water stock downstream from campsites. Do not let stock urinate or defecate directly into water sources.
You are required to remove and scatter all manure piles from within 100 feet of the campsite to reduce odors and insect problems, and to maintain the appearance of the site. Carry a rake to fill in pawed-up areas.
Tie to trees only when packing or unpacking stock. Never tie to trees smaller than 6” in diameter.
If your stock dies in the wilderness, assure that a ranger is notified as soon as possible for help in properly disposing of the animal. Dead stock must be moved at least 300 feet from trails, campsites, and water within 72 hours of death.
Temporary Stock Use and Grazing Restrictions for 2024
April 12, 2024
The following temporary closures, use limits, and permit conditions for the use of stock have been established by the Superintendent for resource protection under the authority in 36 CFR 1.5 and 2.16. Unless otherwise restricted, stock parties may camp in areas that are temporarily closed to grazing but are required to either hold and feed their animals or graze them in other sites in the area that are open to grazing.
39-2 Big Pete Meadow. One night limit to camping and grazing to reduce further erosion and allow for recovery to streambanks from stock accessing forage in meadow.
42-1 Dusy Creek Meadow. Open to parties with a maximum of 8 stock. Stock users are advised to pack feed when camping here due to new avalanche debris blocking all access to meadow forage.
45-1 Palisade Lakes. Total grazing limited to 18 stock nights. One night limit to camping and grazing. The area within 0.25 miles of the lower Palisade Lake outlet is open to private stock parties only. Consider 39-8 Deer Meadow or 46-1 Upper Basin Meadows as alternatives.
66-3 Junction Meadow (Bubbs Creek). Lower (66-3.1) and upper (66-3.2) meadows may open to grazing on different dates. The lower meadow is open to hand grazing or grazing with a portable electric fence. Total grazing limited to 50 stock nights in the lower meadow and 32 nights in the upper meadow. Cedar Grove Pack Station limited to total grazing of 50 stock nights across both meadows. Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) permit holders are prohibited from grazing at 66-3 Junction Meadow.
80-2.1 Wallace Creek-JMT Junction and 81-2.2 Wallace Creek Meadows. Open to hand grazing only. Stock may not be turned out to graze unattended or unrestrained. Consider 81-1 Wright Creek as an alternative.
83-4 Upper Crabtree Meadow. Total grazing continued to be limited to 70 stock nights to allow for further recovery of meadow vegetation from past drought, flooding, and grazing impacts. Consider 83-8 Sandy Meadow as an alternative.
85-8.2 Rock Creek Stringer Meadow. Temporarily closed to grazing and camping by stock parties to allow for recovery of meadow soils and vegetation impacts that resulted from stock use prior to grazing opening date in 2023.
Kern Canyon Meadows. In order to limit the spread of the invasive non-native velvetgrass (Holcus lanatus), we propose that grazing on the floor of the Kern Canyon is temporarily restricted as follows:
Kern Ranger Station to south of Lower Funston Meadow: All areas on the floor of the Kern Canyon between the park boundary at the Kern Ranger Station to south of 86-5 Lower Funston Meadow is closed to grazing, except for the administrative pastures at 86-7 Lewis Camp and 86-8 Kern Ranger Station. Camping with stock in these areas is allowed provided that animals are confined and fed. Administrative grazing of the Kern Ranger Station pastures is allowed with portable electric fencing to prevent the spread of seeds from infested portions of the meadows. 86-6 Rattlesnake Camp/River Pasture is closed to all grazing.
Lower Funston Meadow to Kern-Kaweah River: Grazing of areas on the floor of the Kern Canyon between 86-5 Lower Funston Meadow and the Kern-Kaweah River is limited to parties accessing the canyon from the west (Mineral King, Giant Forest, or Roaring River), north, or east (Golden Trout Creek). Parties passing through the USFS lands to the south of the park and entering the canyon are required to confine and feed their animals once velvetgrass begins flowering. This restriction includes 82-1 Junction Meadow, 86-1 Kern Bridge Camp/The Maze, 86-2 Upper Funston Meadow, 86-3 Big Arroyo Confluence, 86-4 Twenty-one Inch Camp, and 86-5 Lower Funston Meadow. Grazing at 86-2 Upper Funston Meadow and 86-5 Lower Funston Meadow is reserved for commercial and private groups.
Restrictions for Specific Areas
Sequoia National Park
Lakes Trails
Day use only: Hump, Heather, Emerald, and Pear Lakes Trails.
Closed to stock: Watchtower Trail.
Frontcountry Trails
Day use only: Panther Gap, Alta Peak and Meadow, and Big Baldy Trails.
Closed to stock: Little Baldy, Muir Grove, Lost Grove, Admiration Point spur, Paradise Creek, Marble Falls, and Tokopah Falls trails.
Giant Forest/Lodgepole
All paved trails closed to stock.
Closed to stock: High Sierra Trail from Crescent Meadow to Wolverton Cutoff.
Hamilton Lakes Basin
Closed to grazing.
Redwood Meadow
The upper (southern) portion of the meadow is open to administrative use only.
Lower (northern) portion is open to grazing with 15 head limit.
Monarch Lakes Trail
Closed to stock.
Mineral, Mosquito, Eagle, and White Chief Lakes Basins.
Day use only for parties with horses and mules, open to camping by walking parties with burros or llamas.
Closed to grazing.
Oriole Lake
Day use only.
Franklin and Farewell Trails
Closed to grazing.
Hockett Plateau
Areas > 0.5 mi from trail open to off-trail stock use: Party size limit of 12 people, 12 stock, with a combined maximum of 14.
Hockett Ranger Station Pasture
Administrative use only.
Mitchell Meadow
Closed to grazing.
Summit Lake Meadow
Closed to grazing.
Ladybug/Whiskey Log Trail
Day use only.
Areas > 0.5 mi from trail
Open to off-trail stock use: Party size limit of 12 people, 12 stock, with a combined maximum of 14.
Forester Lake Meadow
Closed to grazing.
Chagoopa Plateau #3 Meadow
Closed to grazing.
Kern Hot Springs
Small meadow immediately adjacent to hot springs is closed to grazing.
Lewis Camp and Kern Ranger Station Small Pasture
Administrative use only.
Kern Headwaters/Lake South America
Closed to grazing by horses and mules, open to grazing by walking parties with burros or llamas.
Lake South America (Closed Meadow)
Meadow one mile south of Lake South America closed to grazing.
Bighorn Plateau
Bighorn Plateau Lake and small meadow 0.6 mi south of lake are closed to grazing.
Wright Creek
Class 1 trail day use only above 11,200’.
Wright Creek (Closed Meadow)
Side drainage in east-central Wright Lakes Basin closed to grazing.
Wallace Creek
Class 1 trail day use only above 11,200’.
Wallace Creek Waterfall Meadow
Six head, one night grazing limit.
Wallace Creek (Closed Meadow)
Meadow at 11,180’ closed to grazing.
Crabtree R.S. Meadow
Closed to grazing.
Timberline Lake
Day use only.
JMT from Crabtree R.S. to base of Mt. Whitney switchbacks
Day use only for parties with horses and mules, open to camping by walking parties with burros or llamas (except Timberline Lake, which is day use only for all parties.)
Closed to grazing.
Mt. Whitney Trail
Closed to stock from one mile above Guitar Lake and above.
Sandy Meadow
10 head grazing limit.
Upper Crabtree Meadow
10 head grazing limit.
Lower Crabtree Meadow
Closed to grazing.
Lower Whitney Crk./Strawberry
Open to grazing by private parties only.
Crabtree Lakes
Closed to stock above the hitch rail located 0.5 mile below the lowest lake.
Mt. Langley Trail
Class 1 trail closed to stock.
Upper Soldier Lakes Trail
Class 1 trail closed to stock.
Miter Basin
Class 1 trail open to day-use only above Penned Up Meadow with a party size limit of 8 people and stock combined.
Closed to stock above 11,300 ft elevation.
Upper Rock Creek
Two night grazing limit for Rock Creek Lake and above: Penned Up, Lower Soldier Lake, New Army Pass Junction, and Rock Creek Lake and Stringer Meadows.
Lower Soldier Lake
Open to grazing by private parties only. Two night grazing limit.
Rock Creek Meadow #2
Meadow between drift fence and Rock Creek Lake closed to grazing.
Rock Creek R.S. Meadow
Area adjacent to ranger station closed to grazing.
Guyot Creek
Closed to grazing.
Kings Canyon National Park
Upper Goddard Canyon
Day use only from one mile above Hell-for-Sure Trail Junction to Martha Lake. Party size limit of 12 people, 12 stock, with a combined maximum of 14.
McClure Meadow
Closed to grazing until Evolution and Colby Meadows reach capacity.
1 night grazing limit.
Colby Meadow
1 night grazing limit.
Darwin Meadow
Darwin Meadow Proper closed to grazing.
The “pocket meadows” in the forested area to the north and west of Darwin Meadow Proper are open to grazing with a 1 night grazing limit.
Lake 11,106’
Class 1 trail open to stock for day use only but probably impassable.
Darwin Bench & Canyon
Class 1 trail closed to stock.
Evolution Basin
Closed to grazing by horses and mules from Evolution Lake to Muir Pass
1 night grazing limit for walking parties with burros or llamas.
Upper LeConte
Canyon closed to grazing above 10,000’ elevation.
Big Pete Meadow
Forested peat area west of meadow is closed to grazing.
Dusy Basin
Day use only.
Grouse Meadow
Closed to grazing.
Upper Blue Canyon Area
Day use only.Closed to stock above 10,000 ft elevation.
Kettle Dome/Randle Corral
Closed to grazing.
Areas > 0.5 mi from trail
Open to off-trail stock use: Party size limit of 12 people, 12 stock, with a combined maximum of 14.
Shorty’s Meadow
Two night grazing limit.
Granite Lake
Closed to grazing.
Redwood Canyon
Day use only: Party size limit of 10 people, 10 stock, with a combined maximum of 20.
Buena Vista Trail
Day use only
Taboose Pass Area
Open to grazing except for the 12 acre wet section of meadow at 11,000 ft which is closed to grazing.
Woods Lake Basin
Closed to grazing by horses and mules, grazing allowed for walking groups with burros or llamas.
Woods Lake shoreline closed to grazing.
Woods Creek Crossing
The meadows on the south side of Woods Creek Crossing are closed to grazing.
Castle Domes Meadow
15 head, 1 night grazing limit.
Paradise Valley
Closed to grazing up to the Lower Castle Domes drift fence.
Baxter Pass Trail
Closed to stock.
JMT - Dollar Lake to Glen Pass, including Rae Lakes Basin and Sixty Lakes Basin
Day use only.
Stock travel limited to the first 1.8 miles from the JMT with no stock travel beyond this point.
Party size limit of 8 people and stock combined.
South Side Cedar Grove Sand Flats
Closed to stock.
Lower Bubbs Creek
Closed to grazing by horses and mules below Junction Meadow.
One night grazing limit for walking parties with burros or llamas.
Junction Meadow (Bubbs Creek)
15 head, 1 night grazing limit. East Lake Meadow 12 head, 2 night grazing limit.
Closed to grazing below the drift fence, including the lake shore meadows.
Upper junction Meadow (66-3.2) closed as of 7/15/2022
Lake Reflection
Class 1 trail open to stock for day use only but probably impassable.
JMT - Glen Pass to Vidette Meadow
Day use only.
Kearsarge/Bullfrog Lakes Basin
Day use only.
Charlotte Lake Meadows
Day use only.
Meadows immediately above and below Charlotte Lake closed to grazing.
Charlotte Creek Meadow
Two night grazing limit below the drift fence west of (below) Charlotte Lake.
Vidette Meadow
Closed to grazing.
Upper Vidette Meadow
Open to grazing by private parties only.
Center Basin
Class 1 trail open to stock for day use only.
Areas > 0.5 mi from trail
Open to off-trail stock use: Party size limit of 12 people, 12 stock, with a combined maximum of 14.