Foothills Trails

a trail winds through chapparal-covered foothills
The Middle Fork Trail follows the main branch of the Kaweah River, climbing to the high country of Sequoia National Park.

Rick Cain


Trails in the foothills are are accessible year-round. Fall brings cooler temperatures for hiking in this diverse environment. In winter and spring, the foothills are clothed in a glorious array of wildflowers. Late March through late May are especially colorful. As summer approaches the temperature rises, and so do the rivers. Avoid the dangerous rivers during this time!

Please note that pets are not permitted on any of the trails in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.

Marble Falls Trail

This trail climbs 3.9 miles (6km) through chaparral to a lovely cascade.
Park near site #14 at Potwisha Campground. Follow the dirt road across the concrete ditch. The trail starts along the steep bank to the right.

Middle Fork Trail

Leading through chaparral to highcountry, the first mile offers views of Moro Rock and Castle Rocks. Panther Creek Falls is 3 miles (5 km) from the parking area.
To reach the trail, take the Buckeye Flat Campground road and turn left on the dirt road before the campground. Go 1.3 miles (2 km) to a parking area. Park at Hospital Rock if Buckeye Flat is closed.

Lady Bug Trail

Hike along the South Fork of the Kaweah in the upper foothills (moderately steep). The trail ends 3 miles (5 km) near one of the lowest-elevation sequoia groves.
The trail begins at South Fork Campground. From the campground, cross the river via a footbridge to find the trailhead.

Garfield Grove Trail

This trail is a relatively steep 5-mile (8.3 km) one-way climb to the Garfield Sequoia Grove.
From. South Fork Campground start on the south side of the river in the campground.

North Fork Trail

This trail can be difficult to access. Please check at a visitor center for details.


Last updated: June 10, 2024

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