Group Volunteer Opportunities

A youth volunteer group plays a team building game
A youth volunteer group plays a team building game.

NPS Photo

Groups are an integral part of our team in Sequoia and Kings Canyon’s Volunteers-in-Parks Program. The impact of volunteer groups lasts well beyond the duration of their project. Peak season for projects is May-October.

Past projects include:

  • Vegetation Restoration: Removing invasive species such as orchard grass and bull thistle, planting natives, and native seed collection.
  • Trail Maintenance: Working on front country trails brushing back overgrown vegetation and regrading trail tread.
  • Park Clean-Up: Helping to rid busy campgrounds, trails, and parking areas of trash and microplastics.
  • Campground Maintenance: Cleaning ash out of fire rings, picking up litter, and restoring food storage lockers.
  • And more!

Please remember that not all projects are suitable for every group. We will do our best to match you with a project that will work well with your group’s size, age, and ability.

Projects typically start in the morning and end in the early afternoon, lasting 3-5 hours. The majority of our projects take place in the Giant Forest and Lodgepole areas of the park due to workload and proximity to Wolverton Service Camp. There is possibility for projects in Grant Grove, Cedar Grove, and Ash Mountain on a limited basis. Groups can request projects in other areas of the parks, keeping in mind we may not be able to accommodate every request nor offer free accommodations at all sites.

A group of volunteers with tools pose on a trail.

NPS Photo

Setting up your Project

Call us at (559) 565-4287 or email us for additional information or to start setting up your project. Please include the following information:

  1. Contact information (name, email, phone number) of group leader. Group leader must be present for the volunteer project.
  2. What day(s) would your group be interested in volunteering? Are your dates flexible?
  3. What is the estimated size of your group?
  4. Would your group need a campground, or do you already have accommodations planned?
  5. Does your group have volunteers under the age of 18?
  6. Would you have any limits to the type of work your group could perform or would you require any accommodations to perform volunteer work (e.g., work must be wheelchair accessible)?
a cinamon-colored black bear

NPS Photo

Wolverton Service Camp

The Wolverton Service Camp is a rustic group campsite dedicated to volunteers and researchers. The camp sits at approximately 7,000 feet (2,134 meters) elevation within the mixed conifer forests of Sequoia National Park. Summer days are warm, with temperatures reaching into the mid to high 80s, with cooler nights. The camp is equipped with picnic tables, potable water spigots, fire rings, and portable bathrooms. Dogs are prohibited at Wolverton Service Camp. If you wish to bring your furry friends, you will need to secure your own lodging at one of the designed campgrounds in the park.

Wolverton Service Camp opens the 3rd Sunday in May and closes the Tuesday after Columbus Day in October. These dates are subject to change due to snowpack and water access.

Black bears (Ursus americanus) are active in and around Wolverton Service Camp. It is important that everyone who stays at Wolverton use the food storage lockers for storing all food and cooking supplies, waste, and scented items (deodorant, sunscreen, citronella candles) whenever they are not in immediate use.

Last updated: December 12, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

47050 Generals Highway
Three Rivers, CA 93271


559 565-3341

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