John and Lydia Neilson House
A young and ambitious John Neilson came to this area in 1772 from just outside Elizabeth, NJ. He went to work in the village of Stillwater. Schuyler House and Estate
The estate and house of Philip Schuyler Saratoga Monument
Commemorating Burgoyne's surrender to Gates, this monument stands where Burgoyne's camp entrenched during the campaign's final days. Saratoga Surrender Site
This site is where British Lt. General John Burgoyne rode to meet his conqueror, Major General Horatio Gates. Victory Woods
These 22 acres mark the final encampment site for the British Army under General Burgoyne The Wilkinson Trail
A 4.2 mile through the park that traces the paths of the soldiers who fought here. A mobile audio tour is available to accompany your hike. |
Last updated: September 27, 2022