A Cave Shelter Connection to the Past

Russell Cave is an archeological site with one of the most complete records of prehistoric cultures in the Southeast.  In the 1950s, archeologists uncovered a large quantity of artifacts representing over 10,000 years of use in a single place.  Today, Russell Cave National Monument helps bring to light many cultural developments of phenomenal human journeys.

Looking into the cave shelter
Plan your visit to Russell Cave

Discover 10,000 years of human history, tucked away at Russell Cave.

A ranger talks to a visitor outside
Top Ten Tips for Visiting Russell Cave

No one knows how to prepare for a trip to a National Park like the rangers. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your visit.

Girl scouts sift dirt to find artifacts
Kids and Youth

Earn your junior ranger badge and learn about other youth activities available at our park.

Ranger talks to group of visitors outside

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Last updated: June 26, 2021

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