EMERGENCIES: In case of emergency, call 911. Area map shows the location of the nearest phone. Site Location: Site is in a forest of aspen and conifers on east side of trail. A wood sign indicates the path to the site; the path may be marked by red arrowheads on trees. Camp safely away from standing dead trees, as near as is safely possible to the silver metal arrowhead. Number of Sites: 2 Elevation: 9,360 feet Approximate Travel Time: 5 to 6 hours Distance: 5.6 miles from Dunraven TH Elevation Change: 1,400 feet gain Privy: NO Water Source: Water may be available from seasonal stream south of site. THIS STREAM IS USUALLY DRY AFTER MID-JUNE. After Mid-June, obtain water from North Fork Big Thompson River by North Fork Patrol Cabin. Boil or adequately treat all water. To Reach the Trailhead (TH): Dunraven/North Fork TH: From Bond Park in downtown Estes Park drive 7.5 miles on MacGregor Avenue/Devils Gulch Road to the Glen Haven Post Office. Then drive another 1.7 miles on Devils Gulch Road to Dunraven Glade Road. Turn left onto Dunraven Glade Road and drive 2.2 miles to the TH. Do not drive onto the private property just beyond the TH. Note: You will be hiking through U.S. Forest Service Comanche Peak Wilderness to reach this site. Please obey regulations posted at TH while hiking in this area. |
Last updated: November 16, 2024