Max Number in Party: 30
Number of Vehicles Allowed: 10
Visitation Levels: Heavy
Location: Lily Lake is located off Highway 7 approximately 6.4 miles from the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center on the east side of the park.
Description: Lily Lake provides stunning views of Longs Peak, Lily Mountain, and Twin Sisters Peak, and Mummy Range in the distance. The Southside Picnic Area is located 0.25 mile around the lake to the left on a knoll that overlooks the lake. It can be accessed by using the trail along the lake or the one that goes into the forest on the south end of the parking lot past the vault toilets. The picnic area has eight tables.
Restrooms: Yes. Two vault toilets with hand sanitizer in the parking lot.
Special Site Restrictions: This permit does not give access to the dock for ceremonies.
Mobility Impairment Accessibility: No. The trail is accessible until you get to the picnic area. The picnic area is up a small dirt path with rocks and tree roots. The picnic area itself is uneven.