Max Number in Party: 30
Number of Vehicles Allowed: 10
Visitation Levels: Moderate
Location: Hidden Valley is located 6 miles from the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center along Trail Ridge Road on the east side of the park.
Description: Hidden Valley is an open area popular in the winter for sledding and skiing. The Hidden Valley Creek running along the full length of the trail brings a great variety of plants and wildlife to this space including spruce and fir trees, fairy slipper orchids, feather moss, and moon ferns. There are three different foot bridges along the trail.
Restrooms: Yes. Designated accessible men’s and women’s restrooms with running water.
Special Site Restrictions: Event may not occupy picnic sites for ceremonies. Do not block the trail for other visitors. Ceremonies are not allowed to be held in the warming hut.
Mobility Impairment Accessibility: Yes.