Max Number in Party: 20
Number of Vehicles Allowed: 5
Visitation Levels: Heavy
Location: Alluvial Fan is located on the east side of the park. Drive 2 miles west on Hwy 34 (Trail Ridge Road) from the Fall River Entrance station. Turn north/right from Hwy 34 to Endovalley Road and drive 0.75 miles to the East Alluvial parking lot or 1 mile to the West Alluvial parking lot.
Description: The Alluvial Fan is a beautiful cascade of water following down through a boulder field. The trail follows a short, curving route through a boulder field and offers access along the Roaring River and provides stunning views of the Mummy Range, Horseshoe Falls, and Endovalley. A wooden foot bridge spans the Roaring River, connecting both sides of the alluvial fan. The peak of the trail ends at a viewpoint of Horseshoe Falls surrounded by aspen trees.
Restrooms: Yes. Two vault toilets with hand sanitizer dispensers available in the West Alluvial parking lot.
Special Site Restrictions: Do not block the trail for other visitors.
Mobility Impairment Accessibility: Yes.