See below for the latest on California condors from the Bay Area Nature & Science Blog.
Showing results 1-4 of 4
- Pinnacles National Park
2024 a Banner Year for Condors Nesting in Central California
- Locations: Pinnacles National Park
California condors, known for their nearly 10-foot wingspan and near extinction in the 1980s, nest in caves on cliffs or sometimes in large redwood cavities. The iconic rocks of Pinnacles National Park, forged by volcanic activity, provide great nesting sites for condors. Currently, there are nine condor nestlings in central California, three of which are in nests inside the park.
- Pinnacles National Park
New Condor Behavior Caught on Camera
- Locations: Pinnacles National Park
California condor nesting season is well underway in Pinnacles National Park. This year, three separate pairs are nesting in the park, and biologists have a video camera on one of the nests. This camera is proving to be an incredible tool. It is also recording condor behavior that has never been observed before.
- Pinnacles National Park
Pinnacles Condor Chick Explores; Two More Young Condors Released
- Pinnacles National Park
Wild Condor Chick Fledges at Pinnacles National Park
Last updated: May 6, 2021