National Park Service Jobs

A few of the many National Park Service jobs available at Redwood National and State Parks.
Left to right: An Education Specialist at Howland Hill Outdoor School; Wildland Firefighters perform prescribed burns in the Bald Hills; Interpretive Park Ranger with visitors at Tall Trees Grove.

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Find National Park Service Jobs on USAJOBS
All federal job vacancy announcements, including permanent, temporary, and seasonal National Park Service jobs in Redwood National and State Parks, are advertised on USAJOBS-the official job site of the United States federal government. Browse, search, and apply for jobs online; search by keyword, job title, occupation (e.g., "park ranger"), location (e.g., "USA," "California," "Crescent City," or "Redwood National Park"), type of work, pay, and more.

USAJOBS' Advanced Search feature contains a variety of fields to help focus your job search. Please note the following advanced search field selections applicable to jobs in Redwood National and State Parks:

  • Location Search:
    • "California" → "Orick" AND "Crescent City" AND "Del Norte County" AND "Humboldt County"
  • Agency Search:
    • "Department of the Interior" → "National Park Service"

With free registration (also necessary to apply for jobs), you can even set-up a "Search Agent" to automatically e-mail you information about any newly-posted jobs that meet your specified interests.

Each job announcement on USAJOBS contains complete information about duties, qualifications and evaluations, benefits, and detailed instructions on how to apply. Be sure to read each announcement fully and carefully. Contact information for additional questions about the job are also listed in each announcement.

To learn more about careers with the National Park Service, click here.

Last updated: February 28, 2015

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1111 Second Street
Crescent City, CA 95531


707 464-6101

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