BOLINAS RIDGE (2,381 acres) - This long, linear unit stretches from Olema, east along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, then turns south and follows Bolinas Ridge to the Bolinas-Fairfax Road. The northern half of the unit contains grasslands grazed by cattle. Drainages within this area support mixed scrub, hardwood woodlands, and some Douglas-fir. The southern half of the unit supports primarily Douglas-fir and redwood forests, hardwood forests, and mixed scrub plant communities. At the southern end, the FMU supports a dense stand of maritime chaparral that supports two rare species—Marin manzanita and Mason's ceanothus (Ceanothus masonii). The latter species is a federal Species of Concern and is state-listed as rare. Vegetation Map of the Bolinas Ridge Fire Management UnitDownload a higher-resolution PDF map. (845 KB PDF)
Last updated: February 5, 2024