Fire Management Units - Tomales Point

Fourteen tule elk on Tomales Point. The Pacific Ocean is in the background.
Tule Elk Herd on Tomales Point

TOMALES POINT (2,781 acres) - This unit encompasses all of the land on Tomales Point north of a fence from Tomales Bay to the Pacific Ocean (in place to create a Tule elk reserve.) It supports grassland, mixed coyote brush scrub, and dense bush lupine stands at the northern tip of the peninsula. In 1978, tule elk were reintroduced to Tomales Point. Since that time, the tule elk have proven to be populating the preserve at sustainable levels with census numbers leveling-off, averaging around 450 individuals. Populations of ten plant species of management concern occur in this FMU; six of these are federal Species of Concern and one, Point Reyes blennosperma (Blennosperma nanum), is listed as rare by the state. The historic Pierce Ranch Complex, which has grounds that support a variety of associated invasive non-native plants (e.g., eucalyptus, cape-ivy) is within this FMU.

Vegetation Map of the Tomales Point Fire Management Unit


Last updated: February 5, 2024

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