White Sharks at Point Reyes


Have you ever seen a white shark at Point Reyes? How about one feeding on seal carcasses near the headlands? Would you like to know where and how often white sharks are seen, and what they are usually seen doing? This may be useful information if you dive or surf in open water here!

Scot Anderson, Ben Becker and Sarah Allen published an article in the January 2008 edition of California Fish and Game on observational sightings of white sharks at Point Reyes National Seashore (PRNS) over 23 years and decoy surveys over 11 years.

Two photos of a white shark feeding on a seal as a couple sea birds fly above the blood-filled water.
A white shark is seen here feeding on a seal just off shore.

© Scot Anderson


Where are they seen?

Most observations were clustered in three areas: Point Reyes Headlands, McClures Rock, and Tomales Point. White sharks are mostly seen close to shore, in water depths from 5 meters to 30 meters. This is likely because they need to keep sight of the surface where they capture their prey.

When are they seen?

White sharks are observed at Point Reyes most frequently in the late summer and fall (August, September, October), which coincides with the seasonal peaks of pinnipeds—California sea lions congregate in the area when males migrate north in the fall, and juvenile northern elephant seals haul out in the fall. When Scot Anderson used decoys to track the frequency of white shark appearances, he found that they were seen approximately once every six hours at Point Reyes National Seashore! However, this frequency is still less than the frequency in which they are sighted at the Southern Farallon Island: once every 1.9 hours.

What do they eat?

At Point Reyes, white sharks prey on pinnipeds that congregate onshore and they also scavenge on marine mammal carcasses (especially whales). At the Farallones and Año Nuevo, the pinniped population that white sharks primarily feed on are the northern elephant seals. However, this is not what Scot Anderson found at Point Reyes—the white sharks here seem to be feeding mostly on harbor seals and California sea lions.

White sharks also scavenge off of marine mammal carcasses. Large dead marine mammals such as sperm whales, baleen whales, and northern elephant seas can leave an odor trail that can be carried for many kilometers. White sharks can track these "odor corridors" and follow them to the source. In 2004, when a dead sperm whale drifted to Point Reyes, as many as four white sharks came to feed on the carcass at one time. A large white shark (~943 kg) can survive up to 45 days after feeding on 30 kg of blubber from a dead cetacean!

Should I be concerned about attacks on humans?

There has been five human attacks by white sharks at Point Reyes over 23 years (as of 2008), all of which occurred in the fall season close to shore in water less than 10 meters deep. All the victims survived. Those highest at risk appear to be people who dive for abalone, spearfish, or surf in open water in or near areas where sharks have been sighted, or near seal colonies. Please be careful, and report any white shark attacks to a park ranger.

This page has been adapted from Ocean Updates: Vol. 1, Issue 6: "White Sharks at Point Reyes National Seashore" published on May 20, 2008.

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Additional Information

White Shark Information from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
White Shark species profile from NOAA Fisheries


Learn More About White Sharks

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    Multimedia Presentations

    From 2007 to 2012, Pacific Coast Science and Learning Center Science Communication Interns produced a series of podcasts, videos, and audio-slide shows exploring science from Bay Area national parks. Two of these The Natural Laboratory multimedia products focused on white sharks. Listen to the podcasts below. Visit our Multimedia Presentations: The Natural Laboratory Audio Podcasts page for additional podcasts.


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    Research Journal Articles

    Anderson, Scot D. 2011. "Long-term individual identification and site fidelity of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, off California using dorsal fins." Marine Biology 158: 1233–1237. Available at https://rd.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00227-011-1643-5 (accessed on 11 June 2022).

    Anderson, Scot D., Benjamin H. Becker, and Sarah G. Allen. 2008. "Observations and Prey of White Sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, at Point Reyes National Seashore: 1982-2004." California Fish and Game 94(1):33–43. Available at https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=47405 and https://www.researchgate.net/publication/234130258_Observations_and_prey_of_white_sharks_Carcharodon_carcharias_at_Point_Reyes_National_Seashore_1982_-_2004 (accessed on 11 June 2022).

    Curtis, Tobey H., John T. Kelly, Karl Menard, and R. Karl Laroche. 2006. "Observations on the Behavior of White Sharks Scavenging from a Whale Carcass at Point Reyes, California." California Fish and Game 92(3):113-124. Available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264992898_Observations_on_the_Behavior_of_White_Sharks_Scavenging_from_a_Whale_Carcass_at_Point_Reyes_California (accessed on 11 June 2022).

    Kelly, John T., and A. Peter Klimley. 2003. "The Occurrence of the White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias, at the Point Reyes Headlands, California." California Fish and Game 89(4):187–196. Available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282777974_The_occurrence_of_the_white_shark_Carcharodon_carcharias_at_the_Point_Reyes_Headlands_California (accessed on 11 June 2022).

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    Last updated: September 19, 2024

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