
John Adams Birthplace

Adams National Historical Park

A side view of a New England
John Adams Birthplace

NPS Photo

Quick Facts
133 Franklin Street, Quincy, MA
John Adams was born in this house in 1735. He spent his childhood and much of his young adulthood in this home.

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Information, Information - Maps Available, Information - Ranger/Staff Member Present

This house was originally built in the late 1600s by Joseph Penniman. It is a classic New England home of framed construction with two lower and two upper rooms built around a massive central chimney. Later additions to the home included a lean-to on the back, which gave it the “salt-box” shape it has today. 

Deacon John Adams, father of John Adams, purchased this home in 1720 and lived here with his wife, Susanna Boylston Adams, and their children. Their first child, John Adams, was born on the second floor of the house in 1735. John Adams spent his childhood and much of his young adulthood living in this home, where he learned the values that shaped him. While living in this home, he started a courtship with a woman from Weymouth, Abigail Smith. John and Abigail married in 1764 and then moved into the home next door (the John Quincy Adams Birthplace). 

The John Adams birthplace is open seasonally. Interior access is by ranger-led guided tours or self-guided tours. An entrance pass is required to go inside the building. 

Last updated: June 8, 2024