News Release

Ozark National Scenic Riverways experiences historic flooding

A store building damaged by flooding. Windows are broken and a porch is moved.
The old Akers Ferry Canoe Rental store suffered extensive damage to the building and porch.

NPS Photo / Wil Marischen

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News Release Date: November 7, 2024

Contact: Dena Matteson, (573) 323-4814

Van Buren, MO - Ozark National Scenic Riverways experienced widespread flooding following significant rainfall that started on November 3. The upper Current River reached historic levels on November 5.

Rainfall totals of 9 to 12 inches across the watershed caused historic flooding from Montauk to Round Spring. At Akers, the river’s previous highest level was 26.08 feet, recorded in April 2017. On November 5, 2024, the river gauge at Akers stopped reporting data at 23.23 feet. However, water levels continued to climb and are estimated to have reached 32 feet. Below Round Spring, the Current River and Jacks Fork River experienced heavy flooding, but did not exceed previous records.
There were no major injuries, though Park Rangers carried out several river rescues on Monday and Tuesday for visitors caught off guard.
Many facilities, campgrounds, and river access points sustained damage throughout the park. These areas will be closed while crews assess damages, mitigate safety hazards, and conduct cleanup or repairs. The timeframe for recovery is uncertain and will vary by location and extent of damage. Updates will be provided once assessments are completed.
Unprecedented river levels caused devastating impacts to facilities at Akers and Pulltite. The Akers Ranger Station, which also houses Akers Ferry Canoe Rental, had approximately two feet of water throughout. The old Akers Ferry Canoe Rental store was almost fully submerged, sustaining significant damage.
At Pulltite Campground, water reached the roof of the Pulltite Ranger Station and adjoining shower house, causing tremendous destruction. Approximately two feet of water entered the Current River Canoe Rental Store. The Pulltite picnic pavilion was swept away and destroyed. The campground amphitheater was toppled off its foundation. Floodwater lifted thick chunks of asphalt from the campground roads, undercut the roadway in multiple places, scoured campsites, and mangled or relocated posts, picnic tables, fire rings, and other structures. Large trees were toppled throughout the area and tangled with flood debris.
For visitor safety, the Current River from Baptist to Round Spring will be closed to motorized and non-motorized vessels until approximately November 13. This will give Park Rangers time to identify and address hazards, such as downed power lines and dangerous debris.

Other closures:

  • All backcountry campgrounds will be temporarily closed to assess damage and clean vault restrooms.
  • The Pulltite Campground will be closed for an unknown period for extensive repairs. The campground and all facilities within it are closed to public entry due to major safety hazards.
  • Akers group campsites and Round Spring group campsites will be closed for an unknown period for repairs.
  • The old Akers Ferry Canoe Rental Store is closed to public entry due to safety concerns.
  • Baptist river access and Lipps Hole will be temporarily closed for repairs.  
  • Alley Spring Campground and Big Spring Campground are both expected to remain closed for several weeks for cleaning and repairs. 

All closure projections are rough estimates and will be updated as more information becomes available. National Park Service staff will be working hard in upcoming weeks and months to reopen high priority areas as quickly as possible and to develop strategies and timelines for locations that require extensive restoration.
For more updates and information, visit the park website at, follow us at, or call (573) 323-4236.

Current River Flood, Ozark NSR, November 2024
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Current River Flood, Ozark NSR...

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The flood had devastating effects on the upper Current River, particularly park sites like Pulltite and Akers.

Last updated: November 7, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 490
Van Buren, MO 63965


(573) 323-4236
Call (573) 323-4236 for Big Spring Entrance Station, located south of Van Buren, MO. Call (573) 226-3945 for the Alley Spring General Store, located west of Eminence, MO. Call (573) 858-3297 for Round Spring Ranger Station, located north of Eminence, MO.

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