Healthy Parks Healthy People
Healthy Parks Healthy People is a global movement that harnesses the power of parks and public lands as a health resource. Healthy Parks Healthy People works to advance the fact that all parks —urban and wildland are cornerstones of people’s physical, mental, and spiritual health, social wellbeing; and sustainability of the planet.
We have set in motion a 5-year Healthy Parks Healthy People Strategic Plan (2018-2023) complete with 10 guiding principles, 7 seven goals, and 1 vision— for parks to contribute to a healthy, just, and sustainable world.
By promoting parks as a health resource, the National Park Service aims to bring about lasting change in American’s lifestyle choices and their relationship with nature and the outdoors.
Although Healthy Parks Healthy People is based within the National Park Service, the program works with national, state, and local parks, as well as business innovators, healthcare leaders, scientists, foundations and advocacy organizations to advance the role that parks play in the health of our society.
There are more than 400 national parks across the country with countless opportunities to find health, healing and happiness in a park near you.