State Route 20 is closed at milepost 134 (Ross Dam Trailhead) for the season due to heavy snowfall and risk of avalanche danger. Check the WSDOT real time map for up-to-date information, More
Until further notice, the gate at Hozomeen will remain closed; vehicle and foot traffic across the US/Canada border is prohibited. Visitors must enter through a designated port of entry. More
The following established climbing management areas are closed to all public use from March 1, 2025 to July 15, 2025 to protect peregrine falcon nesting aeries: Newhalem Crag East and Newhalem Crag West (Ryan’s Wall).
Other roads, including the Cascade River Road and SR 542, are also at least partially accessible by bicycle. Check the road condition pages for the national park and the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie and Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forests for current information on these and other roads.