Curious about a bird or frog or wonder what kind of plants grow here? Park staff continue to develop park species lists using information from past and ongoing research. The species lists are works in progress. Lists continue to change and improve as information is learned about species in the park. Some species categories such as birds or mammals have had more research done and the corresponding informatio
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What is NPSpecies?NPSpecies is a National Park Service biodiversity database with information on species that occur in any national park. To create customized species lists for North Cascades National Park Service Complex, visit the Reports page and enter or select North Cascades National Park (NOCA) in the Choose Park drop-down menu. Select one of the options under Park Custom Reports on the lower right side of the page. Lists using Park Tag Filter generate subsets of broader species categories based on species behavior, life form, or other attributes of interest. Email with suggestions for additional specialized lists. |
Last updated: July 6, 2021