Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER)Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) begins before the fire is completely contained or shortly thereafter. The BAER program brings in a team of specialists to assess the need for effective post-fire stabilization measures to protect human life, property, and critical natural and cultural resources. Teams include experts in hydrology, forestry, cultural resources, botany, wildlife biology, Geographic Information Systems, infrastructure, recreation, and environmental regulatory compliance. They meet with the park management team to identify values at risk from direct fire impacts or conditions following the fire. After spending time in the field making assessments, compiling data, and talking with park specialists, they make recommendations on specific, immediate actions needed. BAER Response: 2023 Sourdough FireThe Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team for the 2023 Sourdough Fire was deployed to evaluate and address threats to human life and safety, many of which come from flooding risks. The BAER team gathered data and information from the field to generate models and create a long-term plan for the site to present to leadership at the park complex and Seattle City Light. |
Last updated: November 22, 2024