
The documents on this site are relative to the operation of National Mall and Memorial Parks and various ongoing projects.

Policy Documents

The Superintendent's Compendium for National Mall and Memorial Parks lists the various restrictions, conditions, public use limitations, closures and other designations that are allowed under the discretionary authority of the Superintendent.

National Mall and Memorial Parks is also governed by NPS general regulations in 36 CFR Parts 1-6 as well as the Park’s special regulation at 36 CFR 7.96, which applies to the National Capital Region.

Records of Determination (RODs), which outline the reasons a restriction, condition, public use limitation or closure has been established, are available for public viewing.

Planning, Environment and Public Comment (PEPC)

The National Park Service prepares a variety of planning and environmental documents to help guide the management of a park, and provides a website for public involvement in the NPS planning process.

Please click here to find all Park Projects for National Mall and Memorial Parks within PEPC.

For researchers with an approved NPS scientific research permit, visit the Curatorial Requirements for Research Permits page.


Last updated: July 16, 2021

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Washington, DC 20242



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