Hummingbird sips nectar from trumpet vine outside the Lewis & Clark Visitor Center.
NPS photo
The Missouri River ecosystem is a significant pathway for migratory birds. Migrating species benefit from bottomland, which serves as wintering, feeding, breeding, and staging grounds. There has been relatively little change in the diversity of the bird community from the historic past, although loss of habitat has affected numbers.
Threatened & Endangered Species
The American Bald Eagle is a common sighting within the park during the winter season below the Fort Randall and Gavins Point Dams and at Karl Mundt National Wildlife Refuge.
The Piping Plover (Northern Great Plains population) is listed as a threatened species. The national park protects critical habitat for plovers.
The Least Tern (Interior population), is listed as an endangered species. The park closely monitors and documents the population of terns as recovery efforts continue.
Birding Checklists & State of South Dakota/Nebraska Info
Visit the NPSpecies database for a species list. Select the species in question using the 'Category' drop-down box and enter 'Search'.