- Boston National Historical Park (5)
- Boston African American National Historic Site (4)
- Big Bend National Park (3)
- Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (3)
- Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail (3)
- Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (3)
- Salem Maritime National Historic Site (3)
- Amistad National Recreation Area (2)
- Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area (2)
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- National Heritage Areas Program (5)
- Natural Resource Condition Assessment Program (4)
- Inventory and Monitoring Division (2)
- Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Directorate (2)
- Sonoran Desert Inventory & Monitoring Network (2)
- Air Resources Division (1)
- Geologic Resources Division (1)
- National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (1)
- National Register of Historic Places Program (1)
Showing 89 results for tinaja ...
Charles Robinson
- Type: Article

The Apollo Theater in New York is an icon of the American jazz explosion and the Harlem Renaissance of the early 20th century, a cultural movement, which greatly influenced American arts and literature and has significant ties to various LGB communities. The Apollo became one of the most influential centers of black culture, showcasing some of the country's most popular artists and introducing new talent to the world through their infamous amateur nights.
- Type: Person

When Jane Addams penned Twenty Years at Hull House: With Autobiographical Notes, she presented her life story as inextricably tied to her work in running a settlement house. Addams was born into an affluent family in Illinois, but comfort and leisure did not suit her. After spending much of her early life searching for outlets for progressive work, Addams became a reformer.
- Type: Article

Fingerweaving is the art of making material with the fingers instead of a loom. Prior to European contact Indigenous peoples in North America wove and twined with plants and animal fibers for a multitude of purposes. We know the beautiful, dense, warp-faced arrow and lightning motif sashes created by changing the weft that we associate with the Fur Trade are uniquely tied to North America.
Derby House
- Type: Place

Built in 1762 as a wedding present, this was the home of Elias Hasket Derby (1739-99) and Elizabeth Crowninshield Derby (1727-99) for the first 20 years of their marriage. They lived here with their seven children and enslaved at least two people of African descent. The Derby family became one of Salem’s wealthiest merchants, their wealth was tied to their trade in goods produced by slave plantations in the Caribbean Islands.
- Type: Person
81-83 Phillips Street
Fort Pulaski
Great Meadow Wetland Rehab to Reclaim More Natural Flow
- Type: Article

At Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, springs and tinajas provide important ecosystem services for one of the most biologically diverse protected areas in the Sonoran Desert. The Sonoran Desert Network monitors climate, groundwater, and springs at this park. Understanding changes in these closely linked factors helps managers make informed decisions affecting both natural and cultural resources. Learn about our recent findings.
Significant Sea Turtle Cold-Stunning Event Tied to Climate Change Impacts on the Texas Coast
- Type: Article

Read the abstract and get the link to a published paper on how ozone concentrations at Carlsbad Caverns National Park are tired to oil and natural gas development in the Permian Basin: Marsavin, A., Pan, D., Pollack, I. B., Zhou, Y., Sullivan, A. P., Naimie, L. E., et al. 2024. Summertime ozone production at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico: Influence of oil and natural gas development. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129, e2024JD040877. DOI: 10.1029/2
- Type: Article

Pecos NHP is at in a geologic and cultural gateway between the Great Plains and the Rio Grande valley, where three physiographic provinces meet. The park’s cultural stories are closely tied to its geologic and geographic setting. Links to products from Baseline Geologic and Soil Resources Inventories provide access to maps and reports.
Pecos Day Use Area - Amistad
- Type: Place

Large, paved parking lot with one designated disabled accessible parking space suitable for a van, 8 standard vehicle spaces, and 32 pull-through spaces suitable for oversized vehicles or those towing a trailer. Multiple picnic tables shaded by large tin-roofed ramadas with grills are adjacent to the lot as is a fish cleaning station and Pecos Nature Trail. Not far from the comfort station/restrooms. Potable water available.
Black Brush Point - Amistad
- Type: Place
Black Brush Point is a Day Use Area with a boat ramp. The paved parking lot has 24 standard parking spaces and two suitable for large vehicles or vehicles towing trailers. The day use area includes 5 picnic tables shaded by tin-roofed ramadas. There are both a high-water level and a low-water level ramp; however, location may be closed when lake level is less than 1083 feet above mean sea level (amsl).
- Type: Article

At nine southwestern parks, Sonoran Desert Network staff are performing environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling. By analyzing the genomes present in a water sample, eDNA sampling allows us to learn which species use a given area without the use of capture, hair snares, or cameras. The results of this inventory will help NPS staff to prioritize springs for monitoring and conservation.
Breed's Hill
Learning about Homesteaders through the Hein Book Collection
- Type: Article

Artifacts passed down through the generations hold ties to their owners’ stories. We can learn quite a bit about what homesteaders thought was important by examining objects in our museum collection. Books offer us insight into the values, tastes, and interests of homesteaders and their families. Here we examine some of the books donated to Homestead National Historical Park from the Hein family of South Dakota.