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Showing 22 results for pika ...
Make Your Own Mississippi Mud Pie
- Type: Article
A deadly new form of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHDV2) is spreading worldwide and has been found in dead rabbits and hares near Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve (NPP). In 2022, the Inventory and Monitoring Division funded a survey on American pika (Ochotona princeps) in the park to better understand where pikas occur and where they might be exposed to RHDV2.
Cerros del Abrigo
- Type: Article
National parks, such as Yellowstone National Park (YNP), are ecologically and socially important resources conservatively valued at $92 billion (Haefele et al. 2016). To properly protect and conserve these places, decision makers require reliable information to track and understand the manifestations of environmental change...
Pikas at Craters of the Moon
Crater Lake Natural History Association Park Store
- Type: Place
The mission of Crater Lake Natural History Association (CLNHA) is to be an active partner with the National Park Service to inspire public understanding and foster preservation of natural and cultural resources at Crater Lake National Park. CLNHA is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization 93-0519716 with memberships, an online shop, and 2 park stores where they sell park and education related items, and provide information, enhancing the visitors experience in the park.
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Knowing which key natural resources are found in the national parks, and whether they're stable or changing, helps decisionmakers make sound choices. The Northern Colorado Plateau Network is building that knowledge. After more than ten years of monitoring, we've learned a lot about park ecosystems, how they're changing, and what they may look like in the days to come. Find out what we’ve learned and how it’s being used to help managers plan for the future.
Amphitheater Point
- Type: Place
Located on the Generals Highway between Hospital Rock Picnic Area and the Giant Forest Museum, this viewpoint offers stunning views of Moro Rock and the steep elevation change from the foothills to granite peaks. The foothills are an often overlooked area of the park, but they are a vital and diverse landscape. During the cooler months, deer and bears often move downhill to find food. Reptiles, birds, and small mammals live there year round. It is not uncommon to spot foxes i
Panoramic Point Overlook
- Type: Place
This overlook is located a short driving distance from the Kings Canyon Visitor Center. Look outward from Panoramic Point across hundreds of miles of Kings Canyon National Park and neighboring national forest lands. Below lies Hume Lake, a small historic lake in Sequoia National Forest that was created in 1908 using a rare multiple-arch dam.
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Glacier's Citizen Science Program hosted its annual Volunteer Day in August 2021. Participants took to the talus slopes and searched for pika poop, or scat. The collected scat will be analyzed for its DNA to see how pika's are related to one another. This information helps researchers determine how pika populations are connected and what corridors are critical to their success.
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In response to climate change, park managers are having to rethink how they plan for the future. Climate Smart Conservation is a process that can help managers achieve goals in the face of coming changes. Under this framework, scientists and managers use their collective knowledge to anticipate problems and be proactive, rather than reactive.
Harriet Pullen
The Graham Store
- Type: Article
Collared pikas are small mammals within the same order as rabbits and hares, and they resemble small rabbits with very short ears and small limbs. Adapted to thrive at high elevations in Alaska, their habitat is at risk -- climate change may drastically change the fragile environment in which they live.
- Type: Place
Pi'ilanihale Heiau (also known as Hale O Pi' Ilani Heiau) is located in Kahanu Garden, a National Tropical Botanical Park near the town of Hana on the Island of Maui. The heiau (place of worship) is the largest one on the Island of Maui and is one of the most important archeological sites in the Hawaiian Islands.
- Type: Article
The National Park Service stewards pika populations in more than a dozen parks and seeks to understand the vulnerability of pikas and other mountain species to climate change. Pikas in Peril, funded in 2010, was a collaborative research program directed by scientists from the National Park Service, Oregon State University, University of Idaho, and University of Colorado-Boulder.