The National Park Service (NPS) is creating a Design Concept Plan (DCP) for the Manzanita Lake Area. The NPS will work with its partners, stakeholders, and the public to develop the plan in compliance with legal and policy requirements. The public is invited to provide comments in this initial stage of planning and again after the draft DCP is complete. Purpose: Outline improvements to Manzanita Lake Area visitor facilities and respectfully rehabilitate historic structures to accommodate growing visitation and enhance visitors' experiences through an adaptive lens that accounts for future needs.
Function: Provide direction for restoring and preserving natural and cultural resources, improving opportunities for accessibility, and enhancing existing visitor opportunities. Project GoalsThe result of this planning effort will be a design concept plan (DCP) for the Manzanita Lake Area. The plan includes concepts for natural and cultural resource protection, facility development, visitor use, and other management needs. This includes, but is not limited to, the campground, amphitheater, entrance station, day use area (including the boat launch, picnic area, and Manzanita Lake Trail Trailhead), utility systems, Loomis Plaza, Lassen Crossroads, trails, and parking areas. This includes structures threatened by overuse and degradation. Actions may include adaptive reuse, where appropriate. Historic structures include the historic Manzanita Lake Historic District, which is comprised of the Loomis Museum, Loomis Plaza, seismograph building, Loomis Residence, Naturalist's Residence, and portions of the Manzanita Lake Trail. Enhance connectivity between features in the Manzanita Lake Area, including adaptive opportunities for modernization (i.e., technological advancements). Implement requirements identified in the park's accessibility self-evaluation and transition plan and explore opportunities to incorporate additional discretionary improvements. Ease roadway congestion and safety concerns, and improve visitor circulation and flow. Improve recreation and visitor areas while protecting Manzanita Lake's natural resources and habitats from increased visitor use impacts and a changing climate. Initial Design ProposalsLearn about the initial design proposals in the August 2022 Manzanita Lake DCP newsletter or interactive Story Map below. These proposed designs describe possible future strategies and are only a first draft. The initial comment period closed on September 26, 2022. Public comments received are being used to refine, improve, and/or replace the proposed ideas. Design Concept Plan for the Manzanita Lake AreaView interactive maps that depict possible future strategies to improve the Manzanita Lake Area.
Planning Timeline
Last updated: October 12, 2022