Field Trips at the Barataria Preserve

Girls look for insects in a pan of water
There's always something interesting to see at the Barataria Preserve!

At Barataria Preserve in Marrero near Crown Point, K-12 students can enjoy free field trips on the trails, to the visitor center, to the preserve's Environmental Education Center, or all three!

Your group can request a ranger-led program or you can come and explore on your own!

Ranger-led Programs

Ranger-led science education activities and field trips are available for K-12 students on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.


Various science education activities in wetlands ecology are available for K-5 students. Among others, these activities include Dipnetting and the Big Bug Hunt. For an activity brochure for K-5 or to book a field trip, email the preserve or call 504-689-3690.

6th - 12th

Higher intensity wetlands ecology field trip activities are available for students in grades 6-12. These have a higher scientific intensity than our K-5 activities and include data collection and monitoring. Email or call the preserve at 504-689-3690 for more information or to obtain a grade 6-8 or 9-12 activity brochure.

High School

For environmental science-focused high school students, we offer students the ability to participate in real scientific data collection through our suite of citizen science projects. A list of these projects is available on our citizen science page.

Explore on Your Own:

You are welcome to bring your group and explore the preserve on your own (admission is free). See below for activities that your group can do on its own at the preserve.

Please call the preserve at 504-689-3690 about your group's plans whether or not you plan to request a ranger program; this will allow us to alert you to possible other large groups visiting the preserve on the same day you are planning to come.

Follow these links for activities

  • Scouting Programs at the Barataria Preserve

  • Our Explore Nature video shares how to collect insects from waterways, plants, and more. From safety tips (for you AND the insects) to where to look for insects, spiders, and little critters of all kinds, the eight-minute video has useful information for field trips to the Barataria Preserve if collecting insects will be part of your visit. You can also use the information in the video to collect insects in schoolyard projects and other programs. Note that when you click on the video link, you'll get a message that you're leaving the National Park Service; that's because the video lives on a different server.

  • iNaturalist - the iNaturalist app has been used by Barataria Preserve field trip students, park managers, and people everywhere to record findings. You can upload photos and observations to a database that's available online worldwide. Note that when you click on the iNaturalist link, you'll get a message that you're leaving the National Park Service; that's because iNaturalist is not a National Park Service app.
  • For a fun activity for your self-guided group when exploring the preserve trails, try Barataria Bingo! You are welcome to download, print, and share the pdf to find out what you can see and hear at the preserve.

Follow these links for curriculum materials:


Field Trip Information for Teachers

Plan like a Park Ranger! Be prepared for your field trip and learn about our facility and programs below.

Last updated: April 27, 2023

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New Orleans, LA 70130


504 589-3882

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