Liz Weinstein (Artist-in-Residence, 2023)

Isle Royale Reflection

I spent my time on the island photo-documenting and surveying the unique mycological biota of Isle Royale. Early foggy mornings paddling to the smaller nearby islands, afternoons hiking various trails on the mainland, and evenings seated on the expanse of basalt rock watching some of the most glorious moonrises. Night brought the Aurora Borealis, more than once. To have the opportunity to be in such a place, to fully immerse myself in my photography practice and in my world of interest (mycology and lichenology) gave me the unparalleled space and time (both physically and mentally) to explore and expand my artistic practice and vision.

- Liz Weinstein, 2023


"Peziza - Lookout Louise"

closeup image of an orange bowl-shaped fungus specimen, appearing as three distinct bowls, with very dark or black background
"Peziza - Lookout Louise" 1536px x 2048px photograph


artist standing in front of a cabin and holding multiple fungi specimens in hands

About the Artist

Liz Weinstein was an Isle Royale Artist-in-Residence from August 15th to September 2nd, 2023. Liz is a Chicago-based photographer, printmaker, doodler, and amateur mycologist interested in photographing, surveying and documenting the unique ecosystems of the Midwest and Great Lakes area, primarily focused on fungi and lichen. She enjoys incorporating her artwork into citizen-science-based programming and has also led mushroom photography field workshops and educational presentations. She is also the Survey Chair for the Illinois Mycological Association (IMA), is on the art committee for the North American Mycological Association (NAMA), and is a volunteer at the Chicago Field Museum Herbarium working with DNA sequencing. Holding a photography degree as well as a Master’s in Library Science, by day she works as a preservation photographer at Northwestern University Libraries.

You can view more of Liz Weinstein's work on the artist's personal webpage.


Last updated: December 12, 2024

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906 482-0984

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