Special Use Permits authorize activities that benefit an individual, group or organization, rather than the public at large: and that require written authorization and management control in order to protect park resources and the public interest. Examples include weddings, scattering of ashes, commercial filming and/or photography, First Amendment activities, special events, and commercial vehicle access to "Science City". Any commercial activity, other than commercial filming/photography, requires a Commercial Use Authorization (CUA). Sunrise Reservation RequirementsIndividuals or groups requesting a Special Use Permit during sunrise must obtain a sunrise reservation. Proof of reservation will need to be submitted with your application. If you do not have a sunrise reservation, a Special Use Permit will not be issued. To make a reservation, please visit www.recreation.gov. For more information, please visit Haleakalā Sunrise Reservations. TimelineDue to ever-changing workloads, we must receive your Special Use Permit application and application fee no less than two weeks prior to the start of your proposed activity. Requests that are complex in nature will require, at a minimum, four weeks to process as they must be reviewed by additional park staff for environmental and cultural compliance. The only exception to this is for First Amendment activities. Do allow at least two days for processing of these permits. Once an application is approved, a permit will be written, and the permittee will have to review and sign it confirming their intent to adhere to all permit conditions. Once the permittee has signed the permit, the Park Superintendent will authorize the permit by signature. ApplicationApplication forms may be found by selecting the permit type below. Please fill out the application completely; incomplete applications are not considered. Provide as much detail as you can regarding your event; you may attach additional pages. Along with your application, you must submit the non-refundable application fee. Please note that the application fee for special use permits is charged to recover costs of the permit approval process and is non-refundable per 54 U.S.C. 103104, OMB Circular A-25, and NPS Reference Manual 53 Chapter 10. Please indicate on your application if you'd like to pay with credit card (preferred). We will call you when we are ready to process your application and will obtain a credit card at this time. We will also accept a check or money order made payable to National Park Service. The park does not review applications until receipt of payment. Submit applications via email (preferred) to hale_commercial_manager@nps.gov, or by mail to the park address listed at the top of your application. Entrance FeesVehicles entering the park with valid Special Use Permits listed below are subject to entrance fees, with the exception of First Amendment, Access, and Commercial Filming and Still photography. Monitoring ChargesThe park monitors events when there is concern of impact to other visitors, cultural sites, or endangered species habitat. The permittee will be billed for actual time spent by the designated monitor. Special Use Permit Activities:
The Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR §5.6) requires that all construction and commercial vehicles moving through the National Park obtain authorization to do so from the Superintendent. At Haleakalā National Park, a Special Use Permit (SUP) is used to permit such activity. Vehicle/Equipment Invasive Species Inspections: Haleakalā National Park requires and performs vehicle and equipment inspections to ensure the non-transport of non-native species prior to arriving at the park entrance. These invasive species inspections are subject to payment of cost recovery at the permittees expense. Once you have submitted a permit application, you will be directed to arrange for such inspection with park personnel. Inspections take place outside of the park Monday-Friday, excluding Federal holidays. Insurance: The application shall be accompanied with a copy of the Business/Organization Commercial Liability Insurance Certificate (CLI) underwritten by a United States Company, or a company holding a Certificate of Authority for the State of Hawai’i, showing a minimum coverage for Commercial Liability of $1,000,000 ($1M) each occurrence. The minimum coverage may be adjusted higher depending on the intended use/amount of use of the Park road. The CLI shall also show a minimum coverage for Automobile Liability of $1,000,000 ($1M) Combined Single Limit for All Owned Autos, Hired Autos, and Non-Owned Autos. The CLI shall show Policy Number(s). Binders are not acceptable and Policy EFF/EXP shall cover the period requested in the application. The United States Government/Haleakalā National Park shall appear on the Certificate as Additionally Insured. The CLI shall be signed by an Authorized Representative. Federal/State entities are exempt from this requirement; however, non-government contractors/subcontractors listed under this application, and any future non-government contractors/subcontractors registered under the issued Permit shall comply with this requirement. Performance Deposit: Dependent upon the complexity and scope of your proposal, a performance deposit may be required to ensure that payment is covered for vehicle/equipment inspections and monitoring. Along with your application, you must submit the non-refundable $150 application fee. Please indicate on your application if you'd like to pay with credit card. We will call you when we are ready to process your application and will obtain a credit card at this time. Email Hale_Commercial_Manager@nps.gov for the permit application and pre-inspection checklist. Please complete an application if you’re looking to hold a special event. Along with your application, you must submit the non-refundable $150 application fee. Please indicate on your application if you'd like to pay with credit card. We will call you when we are ready to process your application and will obtain a credit card at this time. Freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly are constitutional rights. However, the courts have recognized that activities associated with the exercise of these rights may be reasonably regulated to protect park resources. The necessity of a permit to conduct First Amendment activities is determined by the group size.A small group is defined as “25 people or less.” A “small group” is not required to obtain a First Amendment Permit if they are located within a park designated First Amendment site and have no more than leaflets, booklets and/or handheld signs. A permit is required for any small group that:
A large group is defined as “more than 25 people” and is required to obtain a First Amendment Permit even if they are utilizing a park designated First Amendment site.Some examples of special events that fall under First Amendment Rules:
There are no permit or entrance fees associated with First Amendment activities. Please reference the Superintendent's Compendium for designated First Amendments sites. Email: Hale_Commercial_Manager@nps.gov for the permit application. A Special Use Permit is required to scatter ashes within Haleakalā National Park and should be planned as a small private affair, conducted away from high visitor use areas.
Haleakalā National Park must abide by the terms outlined in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 2.62(b), which states in part: "the scattering of human ashes from cremation is prohibited, except pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit, or in designated areas according to conditions which may be established by the Superintendent." Permits will not be approved for sites within the Wilderness Area, including wilderness cabins and campgrounds, or for the Ka'apahu or Alelele areas near Kipahulu. Off-trail access is not permitted due to endangered bird, insect, and plant species habitats. Approved Summit area sites include Pu’u’ula’ula (Red Hill), Pa’Ka’oao (White Hill), Kalahaku Overlook, and Leleiwi Overlook. Approved Kipahulu area sites include Kūloa Loop Trail and the Coastal Trail from Kūloa Point to Kipahulu Campground. Keep in mind, these are public areas and the park will not exclude or allow you to exclude other park visitors from the site during your ceremony. Scattering of ashes is not permitted in areas other than those listed or for any group larger than 25 persons. Scattering must take place in such a manner and location that the ashes will not be located and identified as human remains. Permittee may bring plants, flowers or lei for use during the ceremony, but such materials must be removed from the park at the conclusion of the permitted activity due to the potential for non-native and invasive species to be left behind. No memorials, plaques, or photos will be left in the park. Along with your application, you must submit a copy of the death certificate along with the non-refundable $25 application fee. Please indicate on your application if you'd like to pay with credit card. We will call you when we are ready to process your application and will obtain a credit card at this time. Email: Hale_Commercial_Manager@nps.gov for the permit application. A Special Use Permit is required to hold a wedding within Haleakalā National Park and should be planned as a small private affair, conducted away from high visitor use areas.
The park does not approve permits for sites within the Wilderness Area, including wilderness cabins and campgrounds, or for the Ka'apahu or Alelele areas near Kīpahulu. Wilderness Area also includes Halemau`u Trail, and Keonehe`ehe`e (Sliding Sands) Trail. Other locations may be approved pending a compliance review and can take up to 60-days to process. Off-trail access is not permitted due to endangered bird, insect, and plant species habitats. Keep in mind that these are public areas and the park will not exclude or allow you to exclude other park visitors from the site during your ceremony. Wedding permits will not be approved for any group larger than 25 persons. Approved Summit area sites include Pu’u’ula’ula (Red Hill), Haleakalā Visitor Center area, Pa’ka’oao (White Hill), Kalahaku Overlook, and Leleiwi Overlook. Approved Kipahulu area sites include Kūloa Point, and Kūloa Loop Trail Coastal Trail from Kūloa Point to Kīpahulu Campground. Audio devices (e.g. electrified musical instruments, P.A. systems, tape players, etc.) are prohibited. Non-amplified musical instruments that do not impact the visitor experience may be considered in some locations—e.g. flute, violin, ukulele. Erecting of banners, signs, etc. is prohibited. Food service is prohibited except at designated picnic/camping areas. Permittee may bring plants, flowers or lei for use during the ceremony, but such materials must be removed from the park at the conclusion of the permitted activity due to the potential for non-native and invasive species to be left behind. Along with your application, you must submit the non-refundable $150 application fee. Please indicate on your application if you'd like to pay with credit card. We will call you when we are ready to process your application and will obtain a credit card at this time. Businesses/Organizations Insurance: Application shall be accompanied with a copy of the Business/Organization Commercial Liability Insurance Certificate (CLI) underwritten by a United States Company, or a company holding a Certificate of Authority for the State of Hawai’i, showing a minimum coverage for Commercial Liability of $1,000,000 ($1M) each occurrence: a. The CLI shall also show a minimum coverage for Automobile Liability of $500,000 Combined Single Limit for All Owned Autos, Hired Autos, and Non-Owned Autos. b. The CLI shall show Policy Number(s). Binders are not acceptable and Policy EFF/EXP shall cover the period requested in the application. c. The United States Government/Haleakalā National Park shall appear on the Certificate as Additionally Insured. d. The CLI shall be signed by an Authorized Representative. Email Hale_Commercial_Manager@nps.gov for the permit application. Scientists representing academic institutions, government agencies, or private research organizations who are interested in obtaining a research and collection permit should visit the Research Permits page.
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Last updated: March 18, 2025