The video files that may be downloaded from these web pages are "public domain" videos. You are free to use these videos without a release from the National Park Service. However, the videos must not be used to imply National Park Service endorsement of a product, service, organization or individual without permission from the National Park Service. Ranger-led Hike Down Switchbacks into the Canyon 01 Video Player is loading.
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This file is made up of 5 short scenes of a ranger-guided group hike descending the South Kaibab Trail. Long shots and close-ups are included. (1080p - 23.976 fps) Ranger-led Hike Down Switchbacks into the Canyon 02 Video Player is loading.
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This file is made up of 6 short scenes of a ranger-guided group hike descending the South Kaibab Trail. Long shots and close-ups are included. (1080p - 23.976 fps) Group of Hikers Viewing the Landscape from Cedar Ridge Video Player is loading.
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This file is made of of 5 short scenes of group and individual's reaction shots. The first two scenes were taken from a jib arm moving into and away from this ranger-led group. (1080p - 23.976 fps) Ranger Led Walk to Cedar Ridge Video Player is loading.
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This clip shows the group of hikers involved in the Ranger Program walking down the crowded South Kaibab Trail to Cedar Ridge, and ends with a detail of a ranger interpreting the surroundings. (1080p, 24fps) |
Last updated: February 24, 2015