The purpose of the South Rim - Tusayan Multimodal Transportation Action Plan is to enhance the quality, extent, and use of multimodal transportation options between the gateway town of Tusayan, Arizona and the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park in a manner that benefits visitors, residents, service providers, community members,and park resources. South Rim Visitor Transportation PlanGrand Canyon National Park developed a visitor transportation plan and environmental assessment (EA) for the South Rim area of Grand Canyon National Park. The EA analyzes environmental and related impacts that may result from actions proposed and alternatives developed to address the park's most pressing traffic and visitor access issues within the South Rim area.The purpose of the South Rim Visitor Transportation Plan is to provide a transportation system that addresses the park's most pressing transportation issues. Among these are: long waits at the South Entrance Station; visitor vehicle and tour bus parking demand that exceeds supply; traffic congestion on park roads and in parking lots; poor directional signage; and visitor access to Canyon View Information Plaza – the park's visitor orientation center. The plan would accommodate current and anticipated levels of visitation to the South Rim through 2020, facilitate enhanced visitor experiences, and protect park resources. The transportation system would be adaptively managed to respond to changes in visitation through the life of the plan and would not preclude other future transportation systems from being implemented, including those that may be required for substantial increases in visitation. Documents related to the South Rim Transportation Plan may be viewed on the Planning, Environment and Public Comment site, or requested from the Grand Canyon National Park Museum Collection: 928-638-7769. |
Last updated: December 7, 2022