FIRESafe MARIN Projects - Marin City

Alta Fire Road Fuel Reduction

Alta Fire Road Fuel Reduction


INTERFACE: Golden Gate National Recreation Area

FIRE DISTRICT: Marin County Fire Department / Marin City

FUNDING PROVIDED: $25,000 (FY 2002)

OBJECTIVE: Improve firefighting effectiveness along the Alta ridgeline by removing fire-prone exotic vegetation and improving emergency access along Alta Fire Road.

DESCRIPTION: The Alta Fire Road provides access to firefighters responding to wildland fire that may threaten Marin City. The area was invaded by French and Scotch broom, both highly flammable and both exotics, making the road impassable. The project removes the hazardous vegetation creating more emergency access and less fuel for potential wildfires.

Marin City is a community of approximately 6,000. It borders immediately along Golden Gate National Recreation Area. More than 200 homes benefit directly from the project and an estimated 300 additional homes see increased protection indirectly.


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George Graham Park Fuel Reduction Program


INTERFACE: Golden Gate National Recreation Area

FIRE DISTRICT: Marin County Fire Department / Marin City

FUNDING PROVIDED: $40,000 (FY 2002)

OBJECTIVE: Implement a fuel reduction program in George Graham Park in Marin City reducing the hazard potential to a residential area and to the adjoining fire station.

DESCRIPTION: The eucalyptus grove in George Graham Park poses a significant fire hazard in the midst of the Marin City community. A wildland fire in federal or private open space could spread to the park via a string of small, adjoined groves of trees that could conduct fire from the wildlands at the edge of the community into the midst of the residential area. Fire could also arise from vandalism in the eucalyptus grove itself that has a thick covering of highly flammable duff. The grove also poses a critical hazard to the adjacent Fire Station which could have its utility crippled in the effect of a fire in the adjacent grove of the station or tree fall onto the station.

George Graham Park is located in the unincorporated community of Marin City situated west of Highway 101 in southern Marin County within the urban interface area with Golden Gate NRA. It has a population of approximately 3,000. Directly north of Marin City lies the unincorporated area of Tamalpais Valley and the City of Mill Valley.


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Marin Headlands I & II Fire Protection Project

Headlands I & II Fire Protection

COMMUNITIES: Marin City, Headlands I and II

INTERFACE: Golden Gate National Recreation Area

FIRE DISTRICT: Marin County Fire District

FUNDING PROVIDED: $132,000 (FY 2002)

OBJECTIVE: Protect 235 homes in Headlands I and II communities and protect much of the north and west exposures of Marin City from fires burning on GGNRA land.

DESCRIPTION: The Headlands Homeowners Association has been actively implementing fire management and urban forestry plans. Their work includes the creation of defensible space around homes as well as hazardous fuel and eucalyptus (an exotic species and high fire danger) removal. This project provides additional vegetation/fuels management and invasive/exotic species control. Along with community efforts, the project ensures effective fire hazard mitigation.

Headlands I is a small unincorporated community of 750 residents. It is situated in the hills above Highways 101 and 1 in southern Marin County. Golden Gate National Recreation Area borders the community on the west and south.


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Pacheco Road Fuel Reduction Project

Pacheco Road Fuel Reduction

COMMUNITIES: Marin City neighborhoods

INTERFACE: Golden Gate National Recreation Area

FIRE DISTRICT: Marin County Fire Department / Marin City

FUNDING PROVIDED: $15,000 (FY 2002)

OBJECTIVE: Remove vegetation in order to facilitate the ingress of firefighting apparatus and improve firefighting effectiveness in the area.

DESCRIPTION: The Alta Fire Road provides access to firefighters responding to wildland fire that may threaten Marin City. The area had been overrun with French and Scotch Broom, both highly flammable and both exotics, making the road impassable. The project removes the hazardous vegetation creating open emergency access and fewer fuels for potential fires.

Marin City is a community of approximately 6000. It borders immediately along Golden Gate National Recreation Area. More than 200 homes benefit directly from the project and an estimated 300 additional homes see increased protection indirectly.


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Last updated: May 28, 2023

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201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


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