Proceedings of the Fourth Glacier Bay Science SymposiumBelow are all of the authored scientific articles in the Proceedings of the Fourth Glacier Bay Science Symposium, arranged by topic exactly as in the symposium proceedings document. TABLE OF CONTENTS Agents of Change in Freshwater and Terrestrial Environments Ecological Development of the Wolf Point Creek Watershed; A 25-Year Colonization Record from 1977 to 2001 Alexander M. Milner, Kieran Monaghan, Elizabeth A. Flory, Amanda J. Veal, and Anne Robertson Coupling Between Primary Terrestrial Succession and the Trophic Development of Lakes at Glacier Bay D.R. Engstrom and S.C. Fritz Spruce Beetle Epidemic and Successional Aftermath in Glacier Bay Mark Schultz and Paul Hennon Preliminary Assessment of Breeding-Site Occurrence, Microhabitat, and Sampling of Western Toads in Glacier Bay Sanjay Pyare, Robert E. Christensen III, and Michael J. Adams Effects of Moose Foraging on Soil Nutrient Dynamics in the Gustavus Forelands, Alaska Eran Hood, Amy Miller, and Kevin White Ecology of Moose on the Gustavus Forelands: Population Irruption, Nutritional Limitation, and Conservation Implications Kevin S. White, Neil Barten, and John Crouse The Cultural Ecology of Berries in Glacier Bay Thomas F. Thornton Glacial-Marine Geology and Climate Change Geologic Characteristics of Benthic Habitats in Glacier Bay, Alaska, Derived from Geophysical Data, Videography, and Sediment Sampling Jodi Harney, Guy Cochrane, Lisa Etherington, Pete Dartnell, and Hank Chezar Assessing Contemporary and Holocene Glacial and Glacial-Marine Environments David C. Finnegan, Daniel E. Lawson, and Sarah E. Kopczynski High Frequency Climate Signals in Fjord Sediments of Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska Ellen A. Cowan and Ross D. Powell Geology and Oral History—Complementary Views of a Former Glacier Bay Landscape Daniel Monteith, Cathy Connor, Gregory Streveler, and Wayne Howell Early to Mid-Holocene Glacier Fluctuations in Glacier Bay, Alaska Daniel E. Lawson, David C. Finnegan, Sarah E. Kopczynski, and Susan R. Bigl Post Little Ice Age Rebound in the Glacier Bay Region Roman J. Motyka, Christopher F. Larsen, Jeffrey T. Freymueller, and Keith A. Echelmeyer Documenting More than a Century of Glacier Bay Landscape Evolution with Historical Photography Bruce F. Molnia, Ronald D. Karpilo, Jr., and Harold S. Pranger Animating Repeat Glacier Photography—A Tool for Science and Education Ronald D. Karpilo, Jr., Bruce F. Molina, and Harold S. Pranger Physical and Biological Patterns in the Marine Environment Glacier Bay Seafloor Habitat Mapping and Classification—First Look at Linkages with Biological Patterns Lisa Etherington, Guy Cochrane, Jodi Harney, Jim Taggart, Jennifer Mondragon, Alex Andrews, Erica Madison, Hank Chezar, and Jim de la Bruere Physical and Biological Oceanographic Patterns in Glacier Bay Lisa L. Etherington, Philip N. Hooge, and Elizabeth R. Hooge A Transect of Glacier Bay Ocean Currents Measured by Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Edward D. Cokelet, Antonio J. Jenkins, and Lisa L. Etherington Spatial Distribution and Abundance of Tanner and Red King Crab Inside and Outside of Marine Reserves in Glacier Bay Alaska, Jennifer Mondragon, Spencer J. Taggart, Alexander G. Andrews, Julie K. Nielsen, and Jim De Le Bruere Testing the Effectiveness of a High Latitude Marine Reserve Network: a Multi-Species Movement Study Alex G. Andrews, S. James Taggart, Jennifer Mondragon, and Julie K. Nielsen Glacial Fjords in Glacier Bay National Park: Nursery Areas for Tanner Crabs? Julie K. Nielsen, S. James Taggart, Thomas C. Shirley, Jennifer Mondragon, and Alexander G. Andrews Ecdysteroid Levels in Glacier Bay Tanner Crab: Evidence for a Terminal Molt Sherry L. Tamone, S. James Taggart, Alexander G. Andrews, Jennifer Mondragon, and Julie K. Nielsen Geochemical Signatures as Natural Fingerprints to Aid in Determining Tanner Crab Movement in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska Bronwen Wang, Robert R. Seal, S. James Taggart, Jennifer Mondragon, Alex Andrews, Julie Nielsen, James G. Crock, and Gregory A. Wandless Distribution of Forage Fishes in Relation to the Oceanography of Glacier Bay Mayumi L. Arimitsu, John F. Piatt, Marc D. Romano, and David C. Douglas The Distribution and Abundance of Pacific Halibut in a Recently Deglaciated Fjord: Implications for Marine Reserve Design Jennifer Mondragon, Lisa L. Etherington, S. James Taggart, and Philip N. Hooge Preliminary Analysis of Sockeye Salmon Colonization in Glacier Bay Inferred from Genetic Methods Christine Kondzela and A. J. Gharrett Populations and Marine Ecology of Birds and Mammals Temporal and Spatial Variability in Distribution of Kittlitz’s Murrelet in Glacier Bay Marc D. Romano, John F. Piatt, Gary S. Drew, and James L. Bodkin First Successful Radio-Telemetry Study of Kittlitz’s Murrelet: Problems and Potential Marc D. Romano, John F. Piatt, and Harry R. Carter Distribution and Abundance of Kittlitz’s Murrelets Along the Outer Coast of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Michelle Kissling, Kathy Kuletz, and Steve Brockmann Population Status and Trends of Marine Birds and Mammals in Glacier Bay National Park Gary S. Drew, John F. Piatt, and James Bodkin Perspectives on an Invading Predator: Sea Otters in Glacier Bay James L. Bodkin, B.E. Ballachey, G.G. Esslinger, K.A. Kloecker, D.H. Monson, and H.A. Coletti Declines in a Harbor Seal Population in a Marine Reserve, Glacier Bay, Alaska, 1992–2002 Elizabeth A. Mathews and Grey W. Pendleton Harbor Seal Research in Glacier Bay National Park Gail M. Blundell, Scott M. Gende, and Jamie N. Womble Population Trends, Diet, Genetics, and Observations of Steller Sea Lions in Glacier Bay National Park Tom Gelatt, Andrew W. Trites, Kelly Hastings, Lauri Jemison, Ken Pitcher, and Greg O’Corry-Crowe Ecosystem Models of the Aleutian Islands and Southeast Alaska Show that Steller Sea Lions are Impacted by Killer Whale Predation when Sea Lion Numbers are Low Sylvie Guénette, Sheila J.J. Heymans, Villy Christensen, and Andrew W. Trites Killer Whale Feeding Ecology and Non-Predatory Interactions with other Marine Mammals in the Glacier Bay Region of Alaska Dena R. Matkin, Janice M. Straley, and Christine M. Gabriele Age at First Calving of Female Humpback Whales in Southeastern Alaska Christine M. Gabriele, Janice M. Straley, and Janet L. Neilson Risk Assessment and Human Impacts Landslide-Induced Wave Hazard Assessment: Tidal Inlet, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska Gerald F. Wieczorek, Eric L. Geist, Matthias Jakob, Sandy L. Zirnheld, Ellie Boyce, Roman J. Motyka, and Patricia Burns Glacier Bay Underwater Soundscape Blair Kipple and Chris Gabriele Underwater Noise from Skiffs to Ships Blair Kipple and Chris Gabriele Vessel Use and Activity in Glacier Bay National Park’s Outer Waters C. Soiseth, J. Kroese, R. Libermann, and S. Bookless Causes and Costs of Injury in Trapped Dungeness Crabs Julie S. Barber and Katie E. Lotterhos The Diffusion of Fishery Information in a Charter Boat Fishery: Guide-Client Interactions in Gustavus, Alaska Jason R. Gasper, Marc L. Miller, Vincent F. Gallucci, and Chad Soiseth Simulating the Effects of Predation and Egg-harvest at a Gull Colony Stephani Zador and John F. Piatt Huna Tlingit Gull Egg Harvests in Glacier Bay National Park Eugene S. Hunn, Darryll R. Johnson, Priscilla N. Russell, and Thomas F. Thornton Ground-Nesting Marine Bird Distribution and Potential for Human Impacts in Glacier Bay Mayumi L. Arimitsu, Marc D. Romano, and John F. Piatt Bear-Human Conflict Risk Assessment at Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Tom Smith, Terry D. Debruyn, Tania Lewis, Rusty Yerxa, and Steven T. Partridge Humpback Whale Entanglement in Fishing Gear in Northern Southeastern Alaska Janet L. Neilson, Christine M. Gabriele, and Janice M. Straley Distribution and Numbers of Back Country Visitors in Glacier Bay National Park,1996-2003 Mary L. Kralovec, Allison H. Banks, and Hank Lentfer Wilderness Camp Impacts: Assessment of Human Effects on the Shoreline of Glacier Bay Tania M. Lewis, Nathanial K. Drumheller, and Allison H. Banks Science and Management 1,500 Kilometers of Shoreline Resource Information: Glacier Bay’s Coastal Resources Inventory and Mapping Program Lewis C. Sharman, Bill Eichenlaub, Phoebe B.S. Vanselow, Jennifer C. Burr, and Whitney Rapp Conceptual Ecosystem Models for Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Christopher L. Fastie and Chiska C. Derr Toward an Integrated Science Plan for Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve: Results from a Workshop, 2004 J.L. Bodkin and S.L. Boudreau Peripheral Vision as an Adjunct to Rigor Greg Steveler Tributes The Legacy of W.O. Field in Glacier Bay C. Suzanne Brown A Tribute to Don Lawrence Greg Streveler |
Last updated: March 21, 2018