Tribal House and Totem Raising Events (2016–Present)Xunaa Shuká Hít (Huna Ancestors' House) Dedication took place on August 25, 2016. The Raven and Eagle Totems were raised in front of Xunaa Shuká Hít in May of 2017 and Yaa Naa Néx Kootéeyaa, the Healing Pole, was raised further down the Tlingit Trail in August 2018.The requested video is no longer available.
Photo Gallery Healing Pole Dedication10 Images Photos from the Yaa Naa Néx̲ Kootéeyaa (Healing Pole) Dedication in August 2018 on the shoreline of Bartlett Cove. Navigate to to learn more Photo Gallery Raising the Eagle and Raven To...7 Images Experience the memorable raising of two spectacular Tlingit totem poles in Bartlett Cove. In a heartwarming day of friendship and collaboration, the Hoonah Indian Association (HIA), and the National Park Service (NPS) joined together in the spirit of Woosh ji.een and raised the 20-foot, 2,000 pound red cedar totems into place. Photo Gallery Huna Tribal House Dedication 8...8 Images The August 25th grand opening of Xunaa Shuká Hít was a powerful day filled with the brilliant sights and sounds of joyous hearts celebrating the Huna Káawu’s return to Homeland. Photo Gallery Eagle Totem Pole3 Images An incredible transformation from raw log to a spectacular eagle totem. This is one of two totems to be crafted for the Huna Tribal House. Photo Gallery Raven Totem Pole5 Images Raven totem begins to take shape! It is the second of two totems being carved for display outside the Huna Tribal House. Final Stages (2016)Carving elements are installed and preparation begins for the dedication and celebration of Xunaa Shuáka Hít.The requested video is no longer available.
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Photo Gallery Interior House Posts7 Images The Huna Tribal House contains four carved house posts. Each post depicts many stories that represent the history of their respective Huna Tlingit clan. Tlingit art portrays animals and other figures which are not only beautiful but often represent a clan’s crests and serve as chapter titles for the rich stories of their history. Photo Gallery Interior Screen Installation8 Images July 2016: Carvers Gordon, Owen, and Herb begin the painstaking process of carefully installing the spectacular carved panels. Site Groundbreaking, Preparation and Construction (2014–2015)Watch timelapse videos of site preparation, groundbreaking, and early construction for the Tribal House.The requested video is no longer available.
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Photo Gallery Tribal House Construction20 Images Summer 2015: Images of the Huna Tribal House throughout its phases of construction in Bartlett Cove. Photo Gallery Tribal House Site Preparation25 Images Spring–Summer 2015: Images of the site preparation and beginning construction of the Huna Tribal House in Bartlett Cove. See the progress of the site transformed from thick forest to an open, level, construction site. Photo Gallery Tribal House Groundbreaking Ce...22 Images April 12, 2014: Over 200 Tlingit clan members and elders traveled to Bartlett Cove and participated in an emotional groundbreaking and ceremonial blessing for the future tribal house. The Tlingit regalia, the rhythm of the ceremony and the reverence for Glacier Bay and for the gathered elders and clans were inspiring. Early Design Elements (2010–2011)Carvers worked on the Tribal House wall and post elements for years in Hoonah before the initial site groundbreaking in Bartlett Cove.The requested video is no longer available.
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Photo Gallery Tribal House Interior Screen6 Images The centerpiece of the interior of the tribal house will be the elaborately carved and painted interior screen. The screen depicts the stories of the four Glacier Bay clans and commemorates their deep connection to their Glacier Bay Homeland. Photo Gallery Carving the House Posts10 Images Master carvers are creating a series of ornate house posts as part of the Huna Tribal House project. |
Last updated: February 27, 2019