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- Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
Echolocation in Action
- Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
Bears of Glacier Bay 2: The Scoop on Poop
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Level: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
- Subjects: Math,Science
- Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
On the Trail of a Whale
- Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
The World of Underwater Sound
- Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
Bears of Glacier Bay Lesson One: Name That Bear
- Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
Humpback Whales of Glacier Bay Lesson 2: A Whale of a Tail
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Level: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
- Subjects: Science
In this investigation, students study the identification and monitoring of humpback whales in Glacier Bay National Park. Students will identify individual humpback whales by their fluke markings. Then, students will use these skills in a simulated whale monitoring trip. Finally, students will identify the humpback whales seen and learn more about the life histories of individual whales.
- Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
Humpback Whales of Glacier Bay Lesson 3: You're the Superintendent
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Level: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
- Subjects: Science
In this lesson, students will take on the role of park superintendent and create a plan to balance the needs of park visitors and humpback whales. The students will examine and discuss important legislation and how it affects the park. They will use facts about humpback whales and park visitation to create a press release about a new policy regarding humpbacks and humans.
- Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
Bears of Glacier Bay 3: Be Bear Aware
- Type: Student Activities
- Grade Level: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
- Subjects: Science
Students will become “bear aware” by exploring ways to reduce human-bear interactions and applying them to different real-life scenarios. They will use critical thinking skills to make a list of considerations when camping, hiking, fishing, and at home. Students will conclude by creating a “Bear Aware Campaign” by making posters, creating podcasts or videos, or writing news stories.
- Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
Seals of Glacier Bay Lesson One: Flipper Feet