Stay connected to what is happening at Glacier.
Keep updated about what's happening during the summer from individual rangers on a bi-weekly basis.
Webcams, photographs, videos, and more provide an in-depth look at the park.
National parks are natural laboratories.
The park had over 100 glaciers when it was established in 1910. Today, they are all melting.
Over the last 100 years, the planet’s surface has warmed by about 1.5°F. In recent years, Glacier has warmed at about twice that rate.
Activities and information to connect the young (and young at heart) to the park.
Learn about Glacier's many natural resources.
Glacier showcases over 10,000 years of human activity.
Teachers, let Glacier bring nature into your classroom!
Understand the rules and decisions that guide park operations.
Shop for items to bring Glacier into your home library.
Last updated: August 8, 2019
PO Box 128 West Glacier, MT 59936