The entire southern area of Dead Horse Bay, including Glass Bottle Beach, is closed to the public. Crews are working in these areas using heavy brush clearing equipment and performing radiation surveys. Dead Horse Bay is located in Brooklyn, NYC.
Spring Creek is closed to the public at this time. The NPS is conducting field investigations as part of a Remedial Investigation at the site. Spring Creek is located in Queens, NYC. More
Due to extremely hazardous conditions Gateway National Recreation Area has restricted access to sections of Jacob Riis Park. Erosion has created unsafe conditions from Bays 1-5, and portions of the eastern beach are closed. More
There are multiple sports fields in the New York units of Gateway National Recreation Area. Gateway has basketball courts, baseball/softball fields, soccer fields and cricket pitches.
Jamaica Bay Unit
Floyd Bennett Field
All organized sports are managed through Aviator Sports.
Fort Tilden
Permits are required for the use of the athletic fields. Please e-mail us to find out more.
Frank Charles Park
Permits are required for the softball fields. Please e-mail us to find out more. Tennis courts, handball courts and basketball courts are first-come, first-serve. Permits are required if courts are being used for an organized event.
Staten Island Unit
Miller Field
Permits are required to use the sports fields. E-mail us to find out more.
Basketball courts are first-come, first-serve.
COVID-19 update
Basketball and tennis courts have reopened. Participants should continue to wear face coverings, follow social distancing and avoid participating in high-contact games such as pick-up basketball.