The entire southern area of Dead Horse Bay, including Glass Bottle Beach, is closed to the public. Crews are working in these areas using heavy brush clearing equipment and performing radiation surveys. Dead Horse Bay is located in Brooklyn, NYC.
Spring Creek is closed to the public at this time. The NPS is conducting field investigations as part of a Remedial Investigation at the site. Spring Creek is located in Queens, NYC. More
Due to extremely hazardous conditions Gateway National Recreation Area has restricted access to sections of Jacob Riis Park. Erosion has created unsafe conditions from Bays 1-5, and portions of the eastern beach are closed. More
Hand-launched privately-owned small boats (canoes, kayaks, and rowboats) may be launched from various sites around the park. These sites include (but are not limited to) Floyd Bennett Field's seaplane ramp, kayak launchs at North Channel Bridge, Riis Landing and Canarsie Pier and Beach Area C and Horseshoe Cove in Sandy Hook.
There are two marina in Gateway for larger boats, and a boat ramp in Great Kills Park. Permits are required to park in the Great Kills Park boat ramp lot. Information about the Great Kills Boat Ramp can be found on the Great Kills page.
Gateway Marina, located on Flatbush Avenue across from Floyd Bennett Field, offers slips and a full range of boating services. Call (718) 252-8761.
Moonbeam Marinaat Great Kills Park, serves boaters visiting Staten Island's Great Kills Harbor. Call (718)351-8476.