Foundation Statement - The Foundation Statement describes the unit’s purpose, significance, fundamental resources and values, primary interpretive themes, and special mandates.
General Management Plan 1986 – Comprehensive park plans that guides the long-term management of resources, visitor use, and general development at the park.
Transportation Plan - Assesses and monitors transportation related issues, performance and maintenance.
Long-Range Interpretive Plan - Long-Range Interpretive Plans (LRIPs) provide a vision for the future (5-10 years) of interpretation, education, and visitor experience opportunities.
Land Protection Plan - Land Protection Plans (LPP) are required by agencies with non-Federal lands or interests in land within the authorized boundary, and the LPP serves as a strategy for the acquisition and/or interests of those lands.
Park Atlas – The park atlas is a collection of maps and geospatial data indicating areas of particular importance as to wilderness, natural, historical, wildlife, cultural, archeological, paleontological, geological, recreational, and similar resources.
Wild and Scenic River Value Statements - The Wild and Scenic River Values Statement identifies and articulates those resources and values that were critical to a river’s designation and inclusion in the national Wild & Scenic River system. Gates of the Arctic has six wild and scenic rivers - the Alatna, John, Kobuk, Noatak, North Fork of the Koyukuk, and the Tinayguk.