A Safari is " an overland journey...safari often refers to trips to observe and photograph wildlife—or hiking and sight-seeing as well."
On this safari, we aren't asking you to travel too far or hunt anything except some great vistas. We're inviting you to explore the Emerald Necklace right here in Brookline and Boston. The Emerald Necklace is the seven miles of park system that led to Olmsted moving to the Greater Boston area. While exploring the Emerald Necklace, you may come across one of our Photo Safari locations. To participate in the Safari, find these locations, and compare the park scenes today with a picture taken by the Olmsted firm over a century ago. You can then either try to capture the view the Olmsteds did, or get creative with your shoot. Then post your photos using #ENSafari and #FindYourPark.
This idea was created by our summer youth team, the Stewards of the Future. Check out one or more of the ENSafari locations, and let us know where your safari took you!
1. Bear Dens (Franklin Park)
2. Schoolmaster Hill (Franklin Park)
3. Arnold Arboretum Visitor Center
4. Pinebank (Jamaica Pond)
5. Longwood Avenue Bridge (Muddy River)
6. Victory Gardens (Back Bay Fens)
For more detailed information on the Safari call 617-566-1689 ext. 238 or contact us via EMAIL