Listed below are some of the most prominent reptiles seen slithering, hopping, and crawling around the grounds. |
![]() NPS/ Briana Smrekar American ToadBufo americanus A medium sized toad that comes in a variety of different colors from reddish brown to greenish gray or even black. About two to four inches in length with kidney shaped glands that produce toxins. |
![]() NPS Black Rat Snake
A long black non-venomous snake that can measure up to eight feet. They have a black tongue, black eyes, a white under body, and a rounded head. These snakes eat small rodents and can be seen slithering around Fort McHenry's ground in vegetation covered areas. |
![]() Scott Teodorski Eastern Box TurtleTerrapene carolina carolina A four toed turtle with vivid orange or yellow markings on its dark brown shell which helps them camouflage amongst their surroundings. These turtles have very large habitat range along the east coast, with the Baltimore area being one of the most northern parts. The Box Turtle eats mainly small aquatic critters, in addition to seeds and fruits. This turtle can live up to 40 years. |
![]() NPS Eastern Garter SnakeThamnophis sirtalis sirtalis A medium sized generally harmless snake that comes in a wide variety of colors, but they carry three distinctive stripes down the center and sides of its body. The Eastern Garter has a wide range of habitats, including forests, meadows, fields, and marshes. Eats Earthworms, millipedes, and other insects. This snake will also eat small fish, and frogs. |
![]() Rick McMeechan Northern Water SnakeNerodia sipedon sipedon A species of large, nonvenomous snakes reaching up to four feet with color variations between brown, gray, olive green, or reddish with dark splotches on their back. They do look solid colored when wet. This snake will grow up to four feet long, however this could be hard to see when they are in the water. The Water Snake eats a heavy aquatic diet, mainly small fish, frogs, and salamanders. |
![]() Rick McMeechan Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans)A semi-aquatic turtle with small red stripes around its ears and a mainly smooth greenish black shell. |
![]() Rick McMeechan Snapping TurtleChelydra serpentina A rugged muscular looking turtle with a ridged hard shell meant for freshwaters. They have an elastic neck used to expand their neck to reach their prey and claws on each foot. As in the name they do snap with their powerful beaks. This turtle will feed on vegetation, but will also tend to eat insects, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, and birds. These turtle can live up to 100 years old! |
Last updated: September 4, 2024