Now you can use your cell phone to discover our story! The telephone number is (931)557-3054 At each tour route stop, simply enter that stop number and you learn more about that special place. You may also use this tour by visiting this website: Please explore the park safely! There is no charge for using this tour. Depending on your plan, minute and data charges may apply.
Why so significant? Former Fort Donelson National Battlefield Park Ranger Buzz Bazar will share with you why this battle was a game changing one.
Courtesy of our friends at C-Span.
You can watch the video here... On February 11, 2012, Professor Kendall Gott, author of Where the South Lost the War: An Analysis of the Fort Henry, Fort Donelson Campaign visited the park and shared his thoughts on the significance of this campaign. You can watch the video of this presentation here, courtesy of our friends at C-Span.
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Near the end of his life, in search for financial security for his family, former President Ulysses S. Grant wrote his memoirs. Often considered a classic, and among the best of American writings, you can read Grant's Memoirs here. No study of the American Civil War is complete without visiting the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Often, and affectionately, known as the "ORs," these records included official reports, orders, maps, and so forth. The process of compiling the ORs began before the end of the War. |
Last updated: June 13, 2023