Required maintenance will close this unpaved road at Island in the Sky to all use 7:30 am to 3:30 pm Monday March 3 to Thursday March 6, then again 7:30 am to 3:30 pm Monday March 10 to Thursday March 13. It will be open Friday through Sunday March 7-9. More
Your fee dollars paid for the installation of new toilets at Island in the Sky in 2016.
The entrance fees you pay when visiting Canyonlands make a difference! We participate in the Congressionally-authorized Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act. Under this program, parks keep 80 percent of all fees collected and use that money to fund important projects that improve visitor services and protect resources for current and future generations to enjoy.
At Canyonlands, your fees allow us to complete important projects like:
installing new toilets at Island in the Sky Visitor Center,
removing invasive tamarisk along river bottoms,
improving trailheads and pullouts,
replace sidewalks at Island in the Sky Visitor Center,
build wind screens around vault toilets on the White Rim Road,
perform ongoing trail work at The Needles, Island in the Sky, and The Maze,
maintain park roads with patching, chipseal, drainage, and erosion control,
improve accessibility for people with disabilities, and