144 Constitution Ave NE Washington, DC 20002 The Belmont-Paul Women's Equality NM is located on Capitol Hill at the corner of Constitution Avenue and 2nd Street, NE, next to the Hart Senate Office building. It is a free-standing, federal style brick house surrounded by a black cast-iron fence. The entrance for the museum tours and bookstore is located on 2nd Street. Follow the entrance signs to the brick staircase and outdoor lift. The door facing Constitution Avenue is not an entrance. Washington DC gets to see all four seasons. Humidity will make the temps feel hotter in summer and colder in winter. Spring (March - May) Temp: Average high is 65.5 degrees with a low of 46.5 degrees Summer (June - August) Temp: Average high is 86 degrees with a low of 68.5 degrees Fall (September - November) Temp: Average high is 68 degrees with a low of 51.5 degrees Winter (December - February) Temp: Average high is 45 degrees with a low of 30 degrees (Source: www.usclimatedata.com) Entrance Fee-free This site is fee-free year-round. No entrance fee or pass is required. Public WiFi is not available.
We do not offer public Wi-Fi onsite. For information on Wi-Fi Coverage Areas on the National Mall offered by the District of Columbia government, visit https://dc.gov/service/wi-fi-coverage-area-national-mall. |
Last updated: October 26, 2023